Table of Contents

Neopos User Guide

Feel free to email us at [email protected] if you have any suggestions for improvements to the software or to report any bugs. Your feedback is appreciated and will assist us to continue the development of this software.

Quick Start Guide

Setup Reciept Printer

See here for detailed instructions

Enter or Edit Stock Items

Select Stock button

To clear all of the test items, press Delete All.

Select Stock>New. At minimum, enter Description, Category, Barcode (optional) and Price.

Press Save.

Add Items to Hotkey Screens

Right-Click (click Hold) on a Blank Hotkey.

Search for and Select the Item for the Stock Search Screen.


Right-Click (click Hold) on an Existing Hotkey.

Select “Edit” from the menu.

Search for and Select the Item for the Stock Search Screen.

Customizing Layout

(Main Function Panel, Hotkey Utility Panel, Hotkey Pages, Member Screen and Hotkeys)

NeoPOS uses the Right-Click function for customization. Most touchscreen systems use the Click and Hold Down action to emulate/simulate the Right-Click. See Control Panel>Pen And Touch>Press and Hold. Alternatively you can plug in a USB mouse to do the customization. The user must have “Settings” permission.

To Add a Button ( i.e. If you cannot locate a particular required Function key)

Click on any blank area position on the panel (you may need to either Remove or Change the size of an existing button).

Select the Button Function from the list that appears.

To Move a Button to another position

Click-Hold the button until the Drag symbol appears in the center of the Key.

Without Lifting Off, Drag the button to the position you require then lift off.

To Remove a Button

Click-Hold and Release the button to show the configuration menu.

Press “Remove” to remove the button.

To Rename a Button

Click-Hold and Release the button to show the configuration menu.

Search for and Select the Item in the Stock Maintenance screen

Enter the New Name

To Change the Size of a Button

Click-Hold and Release the button to show the configuration menu.

Select 1×1 for Standard Size Key, Select 2×1 for Double-Width (default) Key, Select 1×2 for Double-Height (default) Single Width Key or 2×2 for Double-Width, Double Height Key

To Change the Color of a button

Click-Hold and Release the button to show the configuration menu.

Select the Color from the color dialog.

The default colors are shown in “Custom Colors” at the bottom of the pallet. You may want to use these colors if you want to have a consistent color pallet for all your keys.

To Edit a Hotkey Button Item

Click-Hold and Release the button to show the configuration menu. Select “Edit”.

Edit the Item as required in the item Details Screen press Save.

To Clear a Hotkey Button item

Click-Hold and Release the button to show the configuration menu.

Press “Remove” to Clear the Item from the Hotkey.

To Change a Hotkey Button Item

Click-Hold and Release the button to show the configuration menu. Select “Change”.

Search for and Select the Item in the Stock Maintenance screen.

To Add an Item to a blank Hotkey Button

Click-Hold and Release the button.

Search for and Select the Item in the Stock Maintenance screen.

To Change the Page Layout of a Hotkey Page

Click-Hold and Release the Page button to show the configuration menu.

Select “Layout”.

Select the Layout Required.

Settings – General

NeoPOS is designed to work with all versions of Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10).

As there are a variety of operating systems and various security, permission and user configurations possible on target machines, there may some issues when installing NeoPOS in regards to permissions and security level.

NeoPOS operates in standard screen resolutions including Standard and Widescreen Mode.

If the any displayed screen is too large or too small for your display then the screen size can be adjusted using the Screen Size Adjustment setting in Settings>Display. For example if the screen is just a little too big then you may want to set this to 0.9 instead of the default.

NOTE: If you are unable to access the Settings button (for example the screen is too large) then you can open the page by pressing “Y’ on the keyboard.

Once you change any settings, exit and restart the program for them to take effect.

NeoPOS Mode

Select the Mode that you want the NeoPOS program to run in.

POS Terminal – NeoPOS runs as a standard Point of Sale terminal. This is for standalone terminals OR multiple terminals which are connected to a shared database on the Local Area Network.

Administrator – Allows all administrator functions such as Stock management, Reporting, Ordering etc.

Kitchen Screen – Terminal is used as a Kitchen Order display screen. No – The Specific Screen Number 1 – 4 if you are using more than 1 order screen.

Training Mode – Check this to run NeoPOS in Training Mode which means no Transaction Information is recorded, and no adjustment is made to Stock level when an item is sold.

Client Terminal – Use this for Multiple Store configurations. Clients run on their own local databases (fast) independent of Internet connection. If the internet is down or slow, the performance of the client is unaffected. Clients displays status showing whether server is ONLINE (shows ping time) or OFFLINE (time it went OFFLINE). .If the internet is down then the server synchronizes the data from the client(s) when the internet connection is re-established to the client

Server – Use this for Multiple Store configurations. Uses Virtual Database Replication (VDR) to maintain a synchronized master NeoPOS database which can be located on a cloud server or remote physical PC. Server runs independently of the clients and synchronizes any data added or edited on any client. Timeout (s) – The amount of time allowed for the server to connect to a client terminal. Set this higher if the Server is showing “CONNECTION FAILED” messages.


Terminal Number – This is the number assigned to this particular POS terminal. It is only used if you have multiple POS terminals connected to a single client/server database. In this case each terminal should have an individual Terminal No.

Store Number and Name – Select the Store Number and Name for this terminal. These can be edited and created in Settings>Stores. If you are only using only one store this should be set to 0 – Default.

Backup / Restore Directory – Select the location where the backups are saved to when Automatic Backup is enabled. Backups are automatic each time you close NeoPOS It may be done to either a location on your Hard Drive, to A USB drive or other removable media or to a service such as Google Drive or Dropbox.

Secondary Backup Restore Directory – Select the location where a second copy of backups are saved to when Automatic Backup is enabled. Recommend that this is set to a USB drive or Cloud storage location such as Dropbox or Google Drive.

Backup Archives – When this is checked the program automatically backs up any Archive tables (as well as all of the current data) when NeoPOS is closed. This can be disabled/unchecked when the backup process is taking a long time (when NeoPOS is closed) which could be the case if the Archives are large and/or your PC is slow/older and/or if you are backing up to a cloud storage service. NOTE: This should only be turned off after you a have created a prior backup (including Archives) and you have placed these in a secure location (e.g. Cloud Server)

Automatic Backup – When this is checked the program automatically backs up all data when NeoPOS is closed. We Strongly Recommend that this is always enabled.

StockTake Data Directory – This is the location where the mobile scanner is set to synchronize its data to.

SQL Settings

This allows you to view or edit the settings for the SQL database server. These settings should normally NOT be changed, but for your reference the following settings are available.

Provider – Not used in the current version.

User Name – Set to ‘postgres’ unless you set it to something else during the PostgreSQL setup.

Password – Set to ‘P@ssw0rd’ unless you set it to something else during the PostgreSQL setup.

Connection/Datasource – Normally set to ‘localhost’ If the database is located on a server, for example when you have multiple POS terminals running off a shared server, then it is set to the IP address of the server. If you are using the MSDASQL.1 ODBC provider then this is set to the ODBC connection name.

Port – Set to ‘5432’ unless you set it to something else during the PostgreSQL setup

Restore from Backup

Click this button to retrieve a table from a previous back up. This will overwrite all of the existing data in the selected table.

Select Directory – Select the Directory that the backups are in. This defaults to the Backup/Restore Directory you previously entered.

Select Table – Select the name of each table you want to restore (Usually, at minimum, Stock, Hotkeys, TransactionLog, Operators).

Select Backup File – Select the specific backup file that you want taking note of the date and time. The Backups are displayed as TableName_yyyymmdd_hhmmss. The list is in order from newest to oldest with the newest one shown at the top.

Press OK.

Retreive Settings

Click this retrieve all program settings (that is all the information in the Settings Section) from the settings that were saved in the most recent Backup. This is very useful if you have reinstalled the software or are installing the software on another terminal as it saves having to enter all of the settings manually. NOTE:To use this, you must first use the ‘Restore” function and restore RegistryValues.

Reset Function Buttons to Default

Resets the Utility Panel and Hotkey Panel Function buttons to their default (original setup) values.

Backup Directory

This sets the location of the automated backup files. It is recommended that you set this to a USB stick location.

If there is no setting in this box then the backup is saved to the NeoPOS program directory.

Backup procedure is done in 3 ways.

When NeoPOS is shut down/closed.

When the system time is 11:59. This is to do a backup in case you have not closed NeoPOS.

ressing the “Backup” button. In this case you will be prompted to select the directory/location where you want the backup to be saved.

If you have an automated backup service running then you should include the NeoPOS directory and the Backup Directory in you schedule.

Business Operation

Select the Days, Opening and Closing Times and Shift times on which the business operates.

Enter the shift start and End times in HH:MM:SS format. If you do not use all 4 shifts then just leave the box blank.


Warn On Low Stock Level – Check this if you want to display a warning message if the stock level of any item is below the set ‘Minimum Stock’ value at transaction finalization.

Warn On Product Expiry – Shows a warning if the product’s Expiry Date is les than todays date

Allow Alpha-Numeric Barcodes – Check this if you want to use Alpha-Numeric Barcodes, that is barcodes with letters (A,B,C etc) in the barcode as well as standard “numeric only” barcodes.

Restrict item Quantity to 1 or Greater – Check this if you want to restrict use on the ‘Quantity’ key to accept only values of 1 or greater than 1 . This prevents the operator from entering 0 quantity or other unacceptable values.

Don’t allow Quantity to be Multiplied – The normal behavior of the Quantity function is to multiply the existing quantity by the new quantity entered eg.

Register and Item, shows Quantity 1

Enter 5 then press Quantity, then it shows 5 items.

Enter 2 then press Quantity, then it shows 10 items

In other words the Quantity function allows progressive multiplication . Check this box you want to prevent this feature (i.e. Each time you enter a Quantity it will set the new Quantity to this amount only).

Only Search Products when Enter Key is Pressed – This stops the automatic search feature (each time a key is pressed) in the Stock Maintenance / Product Search screen. Instead the search will take place only when the “Enter” key or “Search” button is pressed.

Prompt to Delete Stock item when 0 Stock is Reached – Prompts the operator to Delete the Item when 0 stock is reached. Useful if you sell stock that is purchased once then is not sold again once it is sold out.

Print Receipt on Stock Movement – Print a receipt whenever Stock is Received or Dispatched from the “Stock Receival Screen”.

Deduct Layby Items from Stock Immediately – If this is checked then the item is deducted from stock immediately when the Layby is created. If it is unchecked then the item is not deducted from stock until the item is fully paid for and delivered.

Don’t Allow Idenical Items to be Grouped – All regitered Items are shown as Individual items rather than shown as cosolidated multi-quantity item.

Search Stock Items Left-to-Right – Restrict product search from Left-to-Right only. Doesn’t show matches where the search string is located within part of the product name.

Don’t Group Identical Items – Each transaction item is shown separately rather than grouped (added together)

Use Keyboard Shortcuts – Use keyboard Alpha Keys for improtant functions (see list further down)

Dont Load History in Extra Items – Don’t show the historical list of Extra Items in the Extra Item screen – Speeds up system in slow connection situation.

Enable Audio Warnings – Produces an Error sound when certain events happen. Currently when 0 Price Item is Regitered and when scanned item is not found.

Don’t Clear Search Box when No Items Found – Don’t clear the Search Box (in Stock Maintainence or Search Screens) it there are nt matching Items. Allows you to edit the (incorrectly) typed information instead of having to start again.

Settings – Reporting

Report Printing

Report Printer Name – Select the printer for printing of Reports from the drop down box.

Font Name – Select the font style / name for your printed reports.

Font Size – Enter the font size for your printed reports. If you are using the receipt printer for printing your reports (i.e. the selected receipt printer is the same as the selected report printer) then you may have to reduce the font size so that the report information fits properly on the receipt paper.

Left Offset – Enter the required left offset for printing reports . This is only required if the information is printing too far to the left on your reports. NOTE: This setting is in Pixels so you may have to enter a large number (say 500) here to see a significant left offset on the report.

Sales Report Horizontal Scale – Adjust this value to space out or compress the printing on the page. This is useful if the numeric data is printed too far to the right hand side of the page. It is also used to compress the report when you are using the Receipt Printer to print your sales reports. This is only required if the information is printing too far to the left on your sales reports or receipt.

Stock Report Horizontal Scale – Adjust this value to space out or compress the printing on the page. This is useful if the numeric data is printed too far to the right hand side of the page. It is also used to compress the report when you are using the Receipt Printer to print your stock reports. This is only required if the information is printing too far to the left on your stock reports.

Subtract Returns from Item and Cat Totals – Check this to remove any returned items (and values) from the Item and Category section total in the report. For example if you sell 3 of a particular item, and have 1 returned then with this checked the item and category section will show 2 items, with the return section showing 1. With this Unchecked the item and category section will show all 3 items, with the return section showing 1 item and another line showing Item Net Total (Item Total – Return Total)

Print Direct To Printer – Prints Directly to the printer. This allows for very fast printing and should be used if the standard printing is unacceptably slow. (This mode always prints in standard Font Size and Style (cannot be changed) )

Print Receipt Header on Reports – Prints the Establishment Name and the Text entered in Receipt>Header Message on the top of reports.

Open Drawer – Opens the Drawer after printing a report.

Daily Report End Time – Allows you to define the daily reporting period if it is different from the standard Midnight to Midnight period. This setting affects both the sales reports and the reconciliations. The report screen will default the Start Date, Start Time, End Date and End time according to this setting. For example: if your business trades to 3 a.m. each day then you would set this to 03:00. In this case the report and reconciliation would always start at 3:00:01 each day and end at 3:00:00 (3 a.m.) on the following day. Note: This can only be set up to 11:55 (before midday on the following day)

Line Feeds at top of Account Report – This is the number of line feeds printed at the top of the Account Report. Useful is you are printing the account report on a sheet with a header on the top. These are the captions displayed in the CASH RECONCILIATION section of the Sales Report. You can change these from their default values if required for easier recognition.

Clear Transactions – Click this to clear all of the Transaction (Sales) data from the database. It also clears the Payments, Account, Table and Order data. This would usually be used if you have been testing the software and want to clear the “test” transactions you have entered before you start using the system “Live”.

Settings – Receipt

Setting Up the Receipt Printer

Choose one of the 2 methods below.

Method 1 – Install the specific, manufacturer supplied, driver for the the Start Menu|Devices and Printers page. (or search for one on the web) . Once you have installed the printer, select Printer Properties and print a test page.

Method 2 – Install a Generic/Text Only printer in the Start Menu|Devices and Printers page. This should will work with all printers. This uses ESC/POS commands. This will maximize the speed of printing. If you use this function the program prints directly to the printer which may disable some of the windows printer functions (e.g. Font Size or Font Name). Also you can check “Print Direct To Printer” in Settings>Receipt to maximize printing speed

If the printing is slow then try setting “Print Directly to the Printer” in Windows Printer|Properties|Advanced.

If the printer prints too much paper when printing a receipt (esp. For Generic / Text Only Printers) do the following to set the correct (Receipt) paper size:

Go to Start Menu|Control Panel>Devices and Printers, and highlight the printer.

Select the printer and from the top line menu select “Server Properties”

Click “Create New Form” then enter “Receipt” in “Form Name”. In “Form description (measurements)” section enter Width “7.6cm” and Height “1.0 cm”.

Press then “Save Form” button and press “OK” to close.

In Printer>Properties>Preferences>General>Preferences>Advanced>Paper Size select the Form Name (e.g. Receipt) for each of the Drop-Down boxes.

In Printer>Properties>Advanced>Printing Defaults>Paper Size select the Form Name (e.g.. Receipt) for each of the Drop-Down boxes. NOTE: If you can’t see the “Receipt” form Name in the list then you may have to select the “Receipt” form again (in the “Server Properties”) and increase the value in the “Height” box, as in step 3 above.

In Printer>Properties>Preferences>Paper/Quality>Advanced>Paper Source select “No Feed, No Cut” OR “Automatically Select” or the appropriate Form Name (e.g.. Receipt).

In Printer>Properties>Advanced>Printing Defaults>Paper/Quality>Advanced>Paper Source select “No Feed, No Cut” OR “Automatically Select” or the appropriate Form Name (ie.g. Receipt).

In Printer>Properties>Device Settings select the appropriate Form Name for each of the Drop-Down boxes. NOTE: If the printer no longer prints, go back to Step 4, select the “Receipt” form name, and increase the Height value to, say, 2.0 cm.

Power Cycle Printer (clears any previous commands in printer)

Drawer and Cutter , Setting Receipt Cutting and Drawer Opening (2 Options)

If you want NeoPOS to Open the drawer and/or Cut the Receipt

In Control Panel>Printers and Devices>Your Printer Name>Printer Properties AND Advanced (2 Places)

Find where Open Drawer or Cut is mentioned in one of these Sections:

      • Paper/Quality

      • Device Properties

      • Feed and Cut

      • Drawer

      • Paper Type

      • Operation

Disable or Turn them off.

Save and Exit

NeoPOS>Settings>Receipt>Test Drawer – Press No until the Drawer Opens (preferably without printing a piece of paper) > Apply

NeoPOS>Settings>Receipt>Test Cutter – Press No until the Cutter Activates (preferably without printing a piece of paper) > Apply

If you want the Print Driver Itself to Open the drawer and/or Cut the Receipt (whenever anything is printed)

NeoPOS>Settings>Receipt>Drawer and Cutter – Put 0 (zero) in the “Drawer Open ASCII Code Sequence Box” > Apply

NeoPOS Settings>Receipt>Drawer and Cutter – Put 0 (zero) in the “Cutter ASCII Code Sequence Box” > Apply

In Control Panel>Printers and Devices>Your Printer Name>Printer Properties AND Advanced (2 Places)

Find where Open Drawer or Cut is mentioned in one of these Sections: Paper/Quality, Device Properties, Feed and Cut, Drawer, Paper Type, Operation. Enable or Turn them on.

Save and Exit

Drawer Port
Sets the correct port for the cash drawer connection. Choose the option that best suits your requirements.

This method uses Printer Driver Drawer Opening and will always open the drawer whenever a transaction is completed, even if a receipt is NOT printed, or when ‘NO SALE’ is selected. It sends a short print job (with no text) to the receipt printer whenever a transaction is completed.

Printer Driver Drawer Opening
Many printer drivers have a method for opening the cash drawer automatically (independent of NeoPOS) whenever a receipt is printed.

Exit the NeoPOS program

Go to Start Menu|Printers and Faxes then right-click on the receipt printer name and select Properties.

Locate the tab called ‘Additional Commands’ or ‘Drawer Control’ or similar then locate the setting for ‘Open Drawer 1’ or ‘End Print Job”

Enable the setting and enter the specific ASCII Code Sequence for opening the drawer in the box if shown. An example sequence may be shown (just copy this).

Press OK to Save.

Note: See drawer open sequences below. VIA PRINTER – If you do NOT use Printer Driver Drawer Opening then this option opens the drawer by sending the entered ASCII Code Sequence (see below) through the Receipt Printer (no need to set a specific port as this is set by the windows printer driver). Note: If your printer is connected to an LPT (parallel port) or Serial Port then you should select LPT1 or COM1 rather than VIA PRINTER.

For USB printers see below.

This means the NeoPOS makes no direct attempt to open the drawer. This may be used if there is no drawer connected or you intend to manually open the drawer.

NOTE: If Printer Driver Drawer Opening is used, the drawer will still be opened if a receipt is printed. It will NOT be opened if ‘NO SALE’ is selected OR if no receipt is printed. Posiflex USB – Opens Posiflex CR-4XX5-II USB Connected Cash Drawer. NOTE: This requires that the USBCR.DLL is in the NeoPOS Directory (contact NeoPOS to obtain a copy of this as it is not included in the standard NeoPOS installation)

Posiflex RJ COM1
Opens 12 Volt Cash Drawer connected directly to Posiflex Terminals via the RJ-11 connector. Always uses COM1 port on the terminal.

This is the preferred way to send the drawer open commands directly to USB printers. Select the computer and printer share name from the drop down list or type the computer name and printer share name the box in the form “\\computername\printersharename” Note:The printer must be shared for this to work and also the Printer should be set to “Spool Print Documents” in Advanced.The name of the Printer AND the shared name should be up to 8 digits long with no spaces e.g. Printer1. Also this will only work if you have an active network connection. COM 1-8, LPT1 – Send the entered ASCII Code Sequence, via the selected port, to open the drawer (as in VIA PRINTER).

Drawer Open ASCII Code Sequence

    • Select from the drop down list or enter the string of characters to open the drawer as required by the particular printer you are using.

    • The decimal control codes must be entered and separated by commas. Sequences enclosed by <> are hex representation and must be converted to decimal if used in NeoPOS.

      • Default:: 27,112,0,25,255 or 27,112,48,25,255 or 27,112,1,25,255 or 27,112,49,25,255

      • Gprint: 16,20,1,D,T – D=Drawer No 0 or 1 T=Open/Close Time 1-8 (x100ms or ><1B>p0<19> or 27,112,1,60,255 or 27,97,1,28,112,1,0,27,97,0 ,10,27,112,0

      • Sam4x ELIXIR 30: 27,112 or 27,112,48,64,255

      • Bixolon – 27,112,0,55,255 If these don’t work the refer to the documentation of your printer for the required code(s).

    • This webpage gives the required codes for a variety of printers

Note: In the case where you want to use the cutter BUT not the drawer opening then still select the appropriate drawer port (as above) BUT put a 0 in the Drawer Open ASCII Code Sequence.

Direct Connection
Check this option ONLY if the Cash Drawer is connected directly to the POS Terminal via a serial port. (not through the Receipt Printer) In this configuration the software asserts the DSR pin, on the 9D Serial connector to activate the drawer solenoid. To use this you will require a proprietary adapter supplied by NeoPOS.

Shared Drawer between Terminals
Check this box if you have 2 or more terminals connected to the same drawer. In this case you only enter and retrieve the total reconciliation for ALL Terminals.

Cutter ASCII Code Sequence
Enter the string of characters to activate the cutter (as required by the particular printer you are using). The decimal control codes must be entered and separated by commas. For Generic/Text Only and ESC/POS the sequence is 27,105 or 27,109

Receipt Settings

Establishment Name
The store name that will appear in large font on the top of the Receipt and on the top of Sales Reports.

Prints the words TAX INVOICE on the top of the receipt.

Header Message
Enter up to 20 lines of text that will appear on the header of the receipt.

Footer Message
Enter up to 20 lines of text that will appear on the footer of the receipt. You can also enter spaces in these lines if you want to force the printer to feed out

Font Size
The size of the Header Lines which are printed on the top of the receipt.

Receipt Printer Name
Select the installed receipt printer (as installed above) from the drop down list. If the printer you require is not in the list then you should exit NeoPOS and install a receipt printer as described below.

Font Size
Sets the default size for the text printed on the receipt. Normally set to 10.

Horizontal Scale
If required, adjust this value to change the horizontal locations of the text printed on the receipt. For example if the prices cannot be seen (meaning they are off the right of the receipt) then decrease this value (e.g.: to 0.5). Conversely if the printing on the receipt are in the center of the receipt or overlapping then increase the value (e.g. to 1.5).

Vertical Spacing
If required, adjust this value to change the vertical spacing of the text printed on the receipt. For example if the printed lines are too widely spaced then decrease this value (e.g. to 0.5). Conversely if the text on the receipt is squashed together too closely together then increases the value (e.g. to 1.5).

Left Offset
Enter the required left offset for printing receipt . This is only required if the information is printing too far to the left on your receipt. NOTE: This setting is in Pixels so you may have to enter a large number (say 500) here to see a significant left offset on the receipt.

Font Name
Sets the font type for the text printed on the receipt. Normally set to ‘Times New Roman”.

The number of duplicate copies of the Receipt to print;

Receipt No Font Size
Sets the size for the receipt No text. Normally set to 10. Only Show Last n Digits – Truncates the printing of the Receipt No so that it shows only the last n digits. This can be useful in a food service application where you want to give the customer an easy to remember number.

Control Characters
Sends ASCII control characters to the printer when a receipt is printed (ESC/POS Mode). The control characters should be entered as decimal values separated by commas. See Food Service for more details.

Logo (bmp or jpg)
Click in this box and navigate to any bmp (bitmap) or jpg file that you wish to appear on the top of the receipt. This would usually be a company logo. Bitmap ot jpg files can be created or edited in the standard Microsoft Paint program.

Logo Left Offset
Enter a numeric value in this box to position the logo across the top of the receipt. The larger the number the further to the right the logo will be printed. It may be used (for example) to center the logo on the printed receipt.

Bottom Logo
Click in this box and navigate to any bmp (bitmap) or jpg file that you wish to appear on the bottom of the receipt. Bitmap ot jpg files can be created or edited in the standard Microsoft Paint program.

A4 Logo
Click in this box and navigate to any bmp (bitmap) or jpg file that you wish to appear on the top of the A4 Invoices. Bitmap ot jpg files can be created or edited in the standard Microsoft Paint program.

Left Offset
Enter a numeric value in this box to position the logo across the top of the receipt. The larger the number the further to the right the logo will be printed. It may be used (for example) to center the bottom logo on the printed receipt.

Layby Footer
Add Text to be printed on the bottom of the Layby Receipt Printing to allow you to enter terms and conditions for Laybys.

Receipt – Options

Automatic Receipt Printing
Click this so a sales receipt will be automatically printed whenever the ‘Total Amount Due’ button is pressed.

Prompt for Receipt
Prompts to Print a Receipt whenever the ‘Total Amount Due’ button is pressed.

Print A4 Invoice
Click this to print a standardized format A4 Invoice instead of the receipt style invoice. Note: This assumes you are using standard resolution 600 DPI setting on your A4 printer.

The “To” box at the top of the invoice is filled with the Member/Client Name and Address (if selected)

The page header will show the Logo, Customer Name and any text details entered in the Receipt Header Lines box.

The details box at the bottom of the Invoice will show any text details entered in the Receipt Footer Lines box.

Print Lines On A4 Invoice
Click this to print horizontal grid lines on the A4 Invoice.

Prompt to Print A4 Invoice
Click this to show a prompt, each time you print a receipt, to allow you to select whether you want to print a standard receipt or a pro-forma A4 style invoice.

Print Direct to Printer
Prints Directly to the printer. This allows for very fast printing and should be used if the standard printing is unacceptably slow. (This mode always prints in standard Font Size and Style (cannot be changed) )

Don’t Show Tax or Subtotal on Receipts
Only shows the Total line on receipts.

Don’t Wordwrap Receipt Item Lines
Shows all item names as a single line on receipts (used if you are using wide receipt paper).

Don’t Show Item Notation on Receipt
Stops printing of the item ‘Notation” text on the receipt.

Print SKU
Prints the SKU number for the item (if thee is one) on the receipt. a Code 39 barcode, with the Receipt No, on Receipts and Invoices.

Print Barcode Number Under Items
Prints the barcode number for the item under the item descriptor.

Don’t Show Modifiers on Receipt
Don’t show any Item Modifiers on customer receipts.

Don’t Show Points on Receipt
Don’t show Customer Reward Points on customer receipts.

Problems with Receipt or Report Printing

Printing too compressed, squashed together or illegible on RECEIPTS or REPORTS.

Go to Settings>>Receipt|Horizontal Scale or Settings>Reporting|Horizontal Scale

Increase this value to spread/space out the printing horizontally.

Alternatively: Decrease the Font Size setting.

Exit then Restart the program.

Unable to see prices on the RECEIPT (meaning the printing is too far spaced out)

Go to Systems Settings>Receipt|Horizontal Scale Settings>Reporting|Horizontal Scale

Decrease this value to compress the printing horizontally. (For example change the value from 1 to 0.5 )

Exit then Restart the program.


Payment Type Captions

These are the captions for the payment types which are displayed shown when finalizing a transaction in the main transaction screen. Enter the payment types you accept (e.g.: CASH, CHEQUE, EFTPOS, AMEX, VISA. INTERNET etc)


A special case is if you want to use Customer Reward Points to pay for an item or to retrieve a credit. In this case you should enter “POINTS” (uppercase) as a payment type caption. When this is pressed then one of the following occurs:

        • If the option “Settings>Members>Points>Redeem Points as Transaction Credit” is selected then the number of points entered will be added to the transaction as a credit.


      • If the option Settings>Members>Points>Redeem Points as Transaction Credit is not selected then if the customer has a sufficient no of reward points the sale will be completed and the relevant no of points will be deducted (redeemed) from the customer’s record.

If you DELETE or MODIFY an existing payment type AND there are previous transactions which have used this payment type, then the payment type will be automatically added back into the payment types box. This ensures that historical sales reports will always reflect the actual payment types used.

If you want to receive On-Line payments (usually used when NeoPOS is linked to a Webstore) put a descriptive name for the payment type in the box with “Online Payment Type” above it.(e.g: “Online”, Webstore”, Ebay” etc.

If you are using Widescreen mode then only the first 5 payment Types ar show on the Main Screen.

Open Drawer
Check this box if you want the drawer to open when the associated payment Type is selected.

Use EFT Terminal
Check this box if you have an integrated EFT terminal, connected to NeoPOS, to process the selected payment type (e.g. EFTPOS or CREDIT CARD)

Surcharge % or $
Enter the % /Percentage or $ / Dollar surcharge for the particular payment type. When the transaction is finalized with this payment type, the surcharge will be calculated/added, displayed in the transaction grid, added to the total and printed on the receipt. To change from Surcharge in % terms to Surcharge in $ Terms – click on the “%” or ‘$’ Caption.

Consolidate Card Payments as EFTPOS
Substitute EFTPOS when the EFTPOS terminal is used to pay. This overrides the Card Type (VISA, Mastercard etc) information sent via the EFTPOS Terminal. If it is UnChecked the Rport will show totals of EACH individual card tyre used.


Compulsory Tender
Check this if you require a tendered amount to be entered when the operator selects CASH payment type. If this is unchecked then the CASH payment type will finalize the transaction, regardless of whether a Tender Amount is entered.

Auto Tender
When you enter a tendered amount GREATER THAN or EQUAL to the Total owing amount, the transaction is automatically completed (saves pressing the CASH key a second time)

Compulsory Full Tender on Account Cash Sales
Forces the operator to enter the full amound when cash tendering against sales made in member account mode.

Dont Allow Credits on Accounts
Dont accept Overpayments as Credit for Accounts.

Don’t Allow Split Tenders
Don’t allow the customer to use 2 methods of payment on a single transaction.

Prompt on Split Tenders
Displays a confimation prompt when the Operator initiates a Split Payment.

Register Change from Tender Amount as “Cash Out”
If a Tender Amount is registered into the Tender Box, and it is greater than the Total Amount, the Operator can press “Cash Out” to register the difference between the Total Sales Amount and the Tender Amount as a Cash Out. This is useful, if for example a person presents a Cheque (or other payment instrument), registers some items they want to purchase and want the remaining amount (Cheque Value minus the Purchased Item Total) paid out as Cash.

Optimized Cash Keys
Shows the reduced size Monetary Cash Keys, allowing more room for functions..


Select appropriate currency system for your country.

Australian Currency Images
Shows Images of Australian Currency, coins and notes, instead of numbered buttons, in the “Tender” entry panel.

Round to 5 Cents
Check this is you require “Nearest 5c” rounding (applicable in some locales). This is enabled by default. This will round off the ‘Total’ box when CASH is selected as a payment method.

No Rounding
Check this is you do not want any rounding to occur.

Show Currency Symbol in The Transaction Grid
Show the Currency Symbol in the Transaction Grid next to the Price.


Tax Exempt for Transactions less than
Transaction totals and items will be tax exempt if the total of the transaction is less than the nominated value. Once the total of the transaction exceeds the value then the tax is added for all items.

Display Non-Tax Prices
Check this to display the items in the main transaction grid and on the receipt without the tax component included (US style). In this case the Item price in the Stock Item Database should be entered without the tax component. If you leave this unchecked the items displayed in the transaction grid and on the receipt will be displayed including the tax component. In this case the Item price in the Stock Item Database should be entered including the tax component.

Default Tax Rate %
This is the default amount of tax that will be added to items such as “Extra items” when they are selected from the transaction screen. The tax rate for normal stock items is set individually in the Stock Database grid.

Tax Descriptor
This is the description of the tax type printed on the customer receipt. For Australia it is GST (default) but you can put anything in this that is required by your country (e.g. TAX, VAT etc).


Show Discounts as Separate Item
Check this to show all discounts as a separate item on the transaction screen and the customer receipt. Otherwise the discount is just subtracted fro the individual item price.

Default Discount %-
Enter the default value for the %- key (discount) in percent. Any value typed into the numeric box (during a transaction) will override this default value. This presets the %- key (discount) key to the set value.

Default Premium %+
Enter the default value for the %+key (premium) in percent. Any value typed into the numeric box (during a transaction) will override this default value. This presets the %+ key (premium) key to the set value.

Settings / Display

Display Mode

Select from the following:

4:3 Standard
Standard Aspect Ratio Monitor with Large Payment Buttons and Numeric Monetary Display

4:3 Large Hotkeys
Standard Aspect Ration Monitor with Larger Hotkeys and Smaller Payment Buttons and Numeric Monetary Display.

16:9 Widescreen
Widescreen Monitor mode.

16:10 Tablet
Tablet or Widescreen Monitor mode

3:2 Tablet
Tablet or Widescreen Monitor mode

4:3 Self-Service
Used for Self-Service Applications

The the following elements are displayed (for use by customer):

      • Large 4:3 format Hotkeys Panel.

      • 4 x Hotkey Set Buttons with up to 12 Pages Each.

      • NO Hotkey Utility Buttons or Main. (panel/program cannot be exited)

      • Remove Item Button (same as the Error button in standard NeoPOS). Removes the last scanned or selected item in the transaction grid.

      • Clear All Items Button (same as the Clear button in standard NeoPOS). Clears the whole transaction.

      • Pay Using EFTPOS – Uses Payment Button 2 to complete the transaction. i.e. In Settings>Monetary>Payment Type Captions>Top Right Button.Set the Caption to EFT or EFTPOS and Check “Use EFT Terminal”

      • Sub Total, Tax and Total boxes only.

Customer selects or scan the item(s) they require.

Customer presses the “Pay Using EFTPOS” button.

Customer Scans or Touches card.

If the payment is successful a confirmation message appears with “Order Number” and prompt text.

The customer then proceeds to the Order waiting or Pickup area.

If the payment is NOT successfull an “EFTPOS Declined” messages appears.

At this point the customer can just walk away and abandon the transaction OR click on the message to retry payment.

16:9 Self-Service – Widescreen

The the following elements are displayed (for use by customer)

      • Large 16:9 format Hotkeys Panel.

      • 4 x Hotkey Set Buttons with up to 12 Pages Each.

      • NO Hotkey Utility Buttons or Main. (panel/program cannot be exited)

      • Remove Item Button (same as the Error button in standard NeoPOS). Removes the last scanned or selected item in the transaction grid.

      • Clear All Items Button (same as the Clear button in standard NeoPOS). Clears the whole transaction.

      • Pay Using EFTPOS – Uses Payment Button 2 to complete the transaction. i.e. In Settings>Monetary>Payment Type Captions>Top Right Button.Set the Caption to EFT or EFTPOS and Check “Use EFT Terminal”.

      • Sub Total, Tax and Total boxes only.

Customer selects or scan the item(s) they require.

Customer presses the “Pay Using EFTPOS” button.

Customer Scans or Touches card.

If the payment is successful a confirmation message appears with “Order Number” and prompt text.

The customer then proceeds to the Order waiting or Pickup area.

If the payment is NOT successfull an “EFTPOS Declined” messages appears.

At this point the customer can just walk away and abandon the transaction OR click on the message to retry payment.

16:9 Kiosk
Used for Portrait Mode Customer, Unattended Self-Service Kiosks. Optimised for 16:9 (1920 x 1080) mode.

The following elements are displayed (for use by customer)

      • Hotkeys Panel.

      • 4 x Hotkey Set Buttons with up to 12 Pages Each.

      • NO Hotkey Utility Buttons or Main. (panel/program cannot be exited)

      • Remove Item Button (same as the Error button in standard NeoPOS). Removes the last scanned or selected item in the transaction grid.

      • Clear All Items Button (same as the Clear button in standard NeoPOS). Clears the whole transaction.

      • Pay Using EFTPOS – Uses Payment Button 2 to complete the transaction. i.e. In Settings>Monetary>Payment Type Captions>Top Right Button.Set the Caption to EFT or EFTPOS and Check “Use EFT Terminal”

      • Sub Total, Tax and Total boxes only.

Customer selects or scan the item(s) they require.

Customer presses the “Pay Using EFTPOS” button.

Customer Scans or Touches card.

If the payment is successful a confirmation message appears with “Order Number” and prompt text.

The customer then proceeds to the Order waiting or Pickup area.

If the payment is NOT successfull an “EFTPOS Declined” messages appears.

At this point the customer can just walk away and abandon the transaction OR click on the message to retry payment.

Please check Food Service>Options for further settings.


Screen Scale Adjustment
If the NeoPOS program window is larger than the available display area on you screen (i.e. Scroll bars appear or you cannot see all of the program elements) then you can reduce the size of the NeoPOS window by reducing this value (e.g .to 0.95) until the window fits. Also you can increase this size to increase the NeoPOS display window.

Hide Unused Account and Order Names
Check this if you want to stop displaying the Inactive/Unused names in the Order and Accounts screen. By default these are normally displayed on greyed out buttons so that you can re select the Order or Account name without having to retype/re-enter the name.

Confirm Clear Transaction
If this is checked the a confirmation message will appear when the user presses the Clear button on the main transaction screen. Prevents the user from accidentally clearing the current transaction.

Clear Screen after Transaction
If this is checked then the transaction grid and details will be cleared when the transaction is finalized. Ensures that the operator always finishes off the transaction before starting another one. Delay(s) – This is the time delay between when the transaction is finished and when the screen clears.

Confirm Program Exit
If this is checked then a confirmation message will appear when the user closes the program. Prevents the user from accidentally closing the program.

Show Caption Bar Icons
Check this to show the caption bar icons (Minimize, Maximize and Close) on the main screen.

Show Minimum Information in Stock Receival
Show reduced information in the Stock Receival Screen.

Automatically Show Keyboard in Orders Screen
Always shows the onscreen keyboard whenever the orders screen is opened.

Default Keyboard to Upper Case
Displays the onscreen keyboard with uppercase characters.

Display Laybys in Given – Surname Order
Displays the Layby Hotkeys in Given name, Surname Order (instead of layby Number Order)

Focus on Barcode for New Items
Selects the barcode box first when entering a new item

Show Product Image
Shows the Product Image, in the Numeric Keyboard position, when a product is registered.

Transaction Grid Font Size
Enter the size of the font for the display in the main transaction grid. The smaller it is the larger the number of transaction items can be shown at the same time.

Stock Search Box Font Size
Enter the size of the font for the display in the Stock Maintenance or Search grid.

Premium %+ Alt text
Enter alternative text for PREMIUM %+. This defaults to PREMIUM but could be changed to “After Hours Charge” for example.

Image File Location
Click on this box to select the location for stored product images and camera images. It defaults to the install directory (usually c:\Program Files\NeoPOS ). Your custom created or downloaded product image files must be stored in this directory. These images should be in JPG format (most BMP format files will also work but not every BMP format is campatible)

Customer Display Footer
Text that you want to appear on the bottom of the Customer Display panel.

Dealer ID
Dealers Only – Enter the dealer ID supplied by NeoPOS

Hotkey Display

Display Hotkeys on Separate page
This shows a full screen Hotkey screen on a separate page when the “Hotkey” button is pressed. This hotkey screen disappears and the program returns to the main screen after one of the hotkey items is selected. Usually this is the best option when a minority of items are non-barcoded.

Display Hotkeys in Side Bar
This shows a small version of the Hotkey screen on the Main Display screen when the “Hotkey” button is pressed. This hotkey screen remains on the main screen after one of the hotkey items is selected, allowing the operator to select multiple hotkey items without continually opening the Hotkey screen via the “Hotkey” utility button. This is particularly useful if you are selling mainly Non-barcoded items (e.g. Restaurant Meals, Drinks, Take Away Food etc.)

Display Hotkeys on Startup
If this is checked the hotkeys will be displayed automatically when the program starts.

Hotkeys Font Size
Enter the size of the font for the Hotkey text captions. This is useful if the Item names are very long or longer than can normally displayed on the hot keys.

Hotkeys Font Name
Select the Font Name for captions on Hotkeys.

Style and Color

Select from a range of pre-set Windows color themes / schemes.

Monochrome Theme
All screen elements shown in Monochrome.

Dark Mode
For Nighttime or low ambient light viewing situations. Black with subued colors and white text.

Custom Colors apply when “Windows” is selected as then Style name. Click on the relevant button to select the color of various screen elements.

Background Color
The color of main screen backgrounds.

Transaction Grid Color
The color of the transaction grid on the main screen.

Display Box Color
The color of all text entry box es and onscreen entry grids.

Panel Color
The color of small screens and panel backgrounds.

Secondary Panel Color
The separate color for panels that are displayed on top of other panels.

Edit Box Color
The color of Text Entry, Drop-Down, Memo boxes etc.

Default Button Color
The color of any non-colored bttons (e.g. Numeric Kepad Buttons).


EFTPOS Terminal

Select the provider of your EFTPOS service and terminal(s).

EFT Confirm Screen Time (ms)
Applies to TYRO EFT Only. Enter the amount of time that the EFT screen will remain visible in milliseconds (1 second = 1000 ms). Used if the EFTPOS screen disappears too quickly

Delay After Transaction (ms)
Applies to Linkly EFT Only. The amount of time to allow the EFT process to finish before returning to NeoPOS.

Prompt for Customer Receipt
If you want the system top prompt for a Customer EFT Receipt (Yes or No).

Always Print Customer EFT Receipt
Always print Customer EFT Receipt.

Use EFT Response
Use the EFTPOS Response to the prompt “Print Customer Receipt?”

Print Merchant Receipt
Uncheck this if you do not want to print the Merchant Receipt when an Eftpos transaction takes place.

Cut Receipt
Cuts between EFT Receopt and Customer Receipt.

Line Feeds
Amount of blank lines to feed at the bottom of the Merchant and Customer EFT Receipts

Customer Display Panel

This is used to enable and setup a secondary LCD display panel used as a customer display or advertising display. To use this feature you require a secondary display panel (customer display) connected to your system.

You normally use use ‘Extended Desktop’ mode for a second display, set in Windows Display Properties. Alternatively you can use DualView if it is available.

You may want to experiment with the various modes available.

Please refer to your Video Card settings or control panel to determine if a suitable mode is available. Once you have the secondary monitor setup correctly proceed as follows.

This enables the customer display and rolling advertisement mode.

Use as Order Display
Check this if you want the secondary display to show Orders that have been prepared (and ready) and are waiting for the customer to collect. The customer can be asked this watch this screen for their order / receipt number to appear.

If necessary change the following settings so that the image on the secondary screen displays correctly.

Screen Aspect Ratio
Select the Aspect Ratio for the Customer Screen. 4:3 Standard, 16:9 Widescreen or 16:10 Widescreen.Left Position – This is normally set to a value just greater than the horizontal screen resolution of the main monitor you are using. For example if the resolution of the main monitor is 1024X768 then the value should be set to approx 1025. If the image is too far to the Left of the secondary display then increase this value, alternatively if the image is too far to the Right on the secondary display (i.e. there is a blank space on the left of the display) then decrease the value.

Left Position
This is normally set to the width of the main screen. e.g If the main screen is 800×600 then set this to 800.

Top Position
This is normally set to 0 (top of the screen) but if the image is too high on the secondary display then increase this value to move the image down.

This is to set the overall size of the image on the secondary display. If the image is too large (i.e. you cannot see all of the picture or image) then you can reduce this value (say to 0.8) until the screen image fits the display correctly. Conversely if the image is too small for the screen then increase the value.
Restart the program and see if the display is operating correctly with the default settings.

Pole Display

Enter the message you would like displayed on the top line (line 1) of the pole display. The second line of the display will show Item Details and Price as the items are scanned and display the Total Price when the transaction is completed.

Com Port
Select the Com port (serial port number) that the pole/customer display is plugged in to on the back of your PC.

Baud Rate
Select the baud rate (serial communication speed) of the Pole Display you are using from the drop down list.

Emulation Mode
Select the type (emulation) of pole display you are using. Epson, Noritake, VT100, Aedex (ADM) or Palin text. This is often done using switches (refer to the Pole Display manual). In any case you must determine which emulation mode the pole display is configured to. If it is not one of the 5 supported types then contact NeoPOS and we may be able include the emulation mode in the software. This can usually be set on the pole display iteself (refer to the documentation that came with the display)

Serial Scanner / Card Reader

Select the Serial/Com Port number that the serial type scanner, card reader or auxiliary input device is connected to. (the baud rate is permanently set to 9600 Baud)

The Scanner can operate in 2 modes.

Standard Barcode scanning mode scans barcodes in keyboard emulation mode so that the scanner works as a standard scanner for registering items in transactions. In this case leave the ‘Stocktake Mode’ box UNCHECKED.

Stocktake mode allows you to use the serial barcode reader as a stocktake device, that is you can scan item barcode and the quantity that you have in stock and the stock database will be updated with the selected quantity entered. In this case CHECK the ‘Stocktake Mode’ box.

The data is stored in a file as follows:

The data from the scanner must be received following form.( Note: Carriage Return is ASCII 13, Line Feed is ASCII 10).
Quantity (can be any length) [Carriage Return+Line Feed] Barcode (can be any length) [Carriage Return+Line Feed]
e.g. 351CRLF9301932212121CRLF END OF FILE

In this example the Item 9301932212121 will be updated to show 351 in stock.

Scanner Input Character Test

Use this to test what characters are coming out of the scanner when a barcode is scanned. Scan a barcode and see what characters are shown in the box. If it is set correctly the box should show the Barcode Number followed by a [13] (carriage return). e.g. 9310123456789[13].

If this is NOT the case you need to refer to the documentation on the scanner and set the scanner so that it gives the correct output. This is usually referred to as Suffix – Carriage Return or Character 13.


Scale Make / Model
Select the type make and Model of electronic scale you are using from the drop down list.
Note: CAS Scales – Set Mode to 2. 9600 Baud

Scale Baud Rate
Select the baud rate (serial communication speed) of electronic scale you are using from the drop down list.

Scale Com Port
Select the Com port (serial port number) that the electronic scale output is plugged in to on the back of your PC.

Check Scale Stability
If you check this box, when a weighed item is selected, the program will wait for a stable weight to be displayed on the scale before continuing. (may cause a short delay processing the transaction).
NOTE: If you are using weighed items BUT the scale is not connected to the POS system then turn this option off.

Stability Verification Repeats
The amount of identical weights received by the scale until it is verified as the correct stable weight. If you are getting mis-reads of the scale (e.g. when the operator places items on the scale incorrectly or incompletely) you can increase this value. Note that the higher this value, the longer the scale will take to get a verified reading.

Decimal Point Pos
Some scales do not output the decimal point as standard, in this case you can select the position that the decimal point will appear in the weight. This should match the position of the decimal point on the weight display.



Selected the User Group name at the top then check or uncheck the relevant boxes/buttons that you want the group to have permissions/access for.

Press ‘Save’ when you are finished. Note: To delete a user permission group press “Delete”.


Compulsory Operator

If you require a valid operator to be entered (Log On) to activate the system. The system will always be inactive until a valid Operator ID is entered (at Log On) Timeout -The amount of time that the transaction screen stays enabled when there is no activity. Once the transaction screen is disabled the operator will be required to log in again. If this is set to 0 then the logon screen will NOT appear.

Log Off after Each Transaction

Check this to make the system Log Off the current operator after each transaction. This means the operator must enter or scan their PIN before each transaction.

Operator must clear held transactions when logging off

Forces the operator to either Clear or Complete any “Held” transactions when they Log Off. NOTE: Do NOT check this if you intend to use the ‘Floating Operator’ function (where an operator can begin a transaction on one terminal. place the transaction on hold, and complete the transaction on another terminal.)

Use Business Closing Time when Clocking Off after Closing Time

If the operator clocks off AFTER the Business Closing Time (set in Settings>General) then the recorded clock off time will be the Business Closing Time.

Use Business Opening Time when Clocking On before Opening Time

If the operator clocks in BEFORE the Business Opening Time (set in Settings>General) then the recorded clock on time will be the Business Opening Time.

Print Time Clock Receipt

Prints a short receipt with details when the operator Clocks On or Off.

Recall Hold When Logging On

Recalls any stored Hold for the Operator when they Log On.

To Add or Edit Operators

In the Operators Grid

Enter the Operator Code. The code can be a 1 to 10 digit number. This is both the PIN entered by the operator and barcode no used by the operator to log in. (in effect it is the operator password)

Enter an operator name (used for display purposes only).

Select the User Group from the “User Group'” drop down box. The selected operator will only have permission to use the keys/buttons selected in the “Security” section under that group name.

Select the Type, required if the operator is Delivery, from the “Type'” drop down box.

Enter the Hourly Wage Rate for the Operator in the “Hourly Wage Rate 1” column. This is used in the Screen to calculate Wages Due in the Employee Hours Report.

Note: Arrow Down to save the entry and create a new operator line.


Deletes the selected operator.

Barcode Printing

This prints barcodes for the selected item on either the standard computer printer or the dedicated label printer. To print a range of barcodes (for more than 1 operator) select the check boxes in the list OR press Select All.If Standard A4 Printer is selected then a full A4 sheet of adhesive labels will be printed. Check the “Print Price” check box to print the price details on the label .

Creating or Editing a Layout

See Here .



Member Code Length
The length of the barcode number on the member’s cards. Minimum of 4 numeric characters. Note: If the Member Code Data Length is the same length as any of the Stock barcodes then the system will search for the Member Code first, and if it is not found then it will search for the barcode number in the Stock Database. If you issue a new card to a member you must create a member in the Members screen using the member code.

Set Member Code Length for Existing Members
Changes the length of the Member Code in the Customers, Accounts and Payments tables.

Member Discount %
This is the % global discount that will be applied to all sales to members.

Member Card Printer
The anme of the printer to be used for printing Member Cards..

Display Member Details when Card is Scanned
Check if you want to display the details of the member when the member card is scanned from the transaction screen.

Show Membership Expiry
Displays the Membership status for members in the main screen member display box (turns red if the Membership has expired

Expiry Increment
The increment of the membership expiry when “Renew” is clicked in the members>Membership Expiry panel in the members screen.

Warn of Membership Expiry
Displays a warning if the membership is going to expire within the next 7 days.

Prompt for Receipt on Member Purchases
Whenever a sale is made to a Member a receipt user is prompted whether to print a receipt or not.

Prompt for Receipt on Layby Purchases
Whenever a sale is made to a Layby a receipt user is prompted whether to print a receipt or not.

Show Member Screen When member Box is Clicked
Displays the Members screen (for Editing or Entry) when the member display box (under the transaction grid) is clicked.

Auto Search in Member Screen
Selects the search box when you enter the Member Screen and allows you to start searching for either Member Name or Code, showing closest matches. Improves search time.

Search Auxiliary Field
Searches the member database for the Auxiliary field, when entered or scanned on the main screen. strong>Aux Field Data Length
Sets the length on the Auxiliary Field used in the member database

Show All Members in Member Search Screen
Show all of the Members when the Members Search Screen is opened.

Restrict Member Account Usage to Current Members who have a Pre-Paid Account or a Set Credit Limit
Only allows the operator to save transactions to Member Accounts that are not Expired and have a Pre-Paid or a set Credit Limit Account, and have sufficient funds remaining to pay for the current transaction.

Sort member Database By Code
Releveant only to the << and >> arrows in the members Detail Screen. If this is enabled the << and >> arrows search for the Next/Prior Member Code (rather than Surname / Given Name)

Member History Export
Allows you to configure the format of the data that is exported when you use the File (Export) function in Members|Database / Reports. This box displays all of the fields in both the Reward Points (customer purchases) and Customer databases. Select (check) each field that you require to be included in the export file. Change the order of the fields by selecting the field and Dragging / Dropping.


Allocate Points per Dollar Spent to Stock Items
Fills and overwrites the Reward Points field for each Stock Item in the selected Category, calculated from the value entered and the item price. For Example Points Per Dollar Spent=100, Price of Item= 9.95 – Puts 995 in the points field. Category – Select the Category that you want this applied to.

Allocate Cost Points per Dollar Value to Stock Items
Fills and overwrites the Points Cost field for each Stock Item in the selected Category, calculated from the value entered and the item price. For Example Cost Points Per Dollar Value=100, Price of Item= 9.95 – Puts 995 in the Cost Points field. Use to calculate the amount of points required when using the POINTS function to pay for a sale./li>

Select the Category that you want this applied to./li>

Only Allocate Points to Members with Email
Don’t add or allocate Reward Points to Members who don’t have an email address./li>

Redeem points as Transaction Credit
When points are Redeemed, using the POINTS payment type, they are treated as a Credit (-ve) value into the transaction Grid, using “Dollars Per Point” to calculate the dollar amount./li>

Dollars per Point
The dollar value per point that can be retrieved and credited to a transaction/li>

Groups and Accounts

Member Groups
Enter a list of member groups and an associated discount % that applies to each group. Typically this would be a customer loyalty program where a member may have Gold, Silver or Bronze etc status, with an associated discount. When a member is created in the Member Entry screen you can then assign the member to one of the member groups from the “Member Group” drop-down box.

Linked Price Shift
If you click in the “Linked Price Shift” column you can select a Price Shift Name for the selected Member Group (assuming you have set one or more up in Pricing) . In this case, when you select the member at the start of a transaction, the Linked Price Shift will be enabled and the item price(s) will be discounted according to the price shift. In fact this is the same as the operator manually selecting a Price Shift button. Note that then any other discount, including the Member Group discount, will NOT be applied. Once the transaction is completed then the price shift will be disabled, as if the operator had hit the Price Shift Cancel button. NOTE: If a member is assigned to a member group then the associated discount will override the global “Member Discount %” (see above)

Member Accounts
Shows a list of members with running (or finalized) accounts. This allows you to completely delete selected accounts if required. This may be because the account is faulty, errant or no longer required. Select the account(s) you want to delete by checking the box, next to the name, then pressing the “Delete Selected Accounts” button. NOTE: This will delete ALL account information associated with the customer so it should be used with care.


Current Order No

This is then next Order Number that will be issued when an order is created.

Invoice Address

The invoicing address details which are printed on the top of the Order.

Compulsory Supplier for Stock Receival

Check this box is you require that a Supplier Name is always selected when you receive stock.

Delivery Address

The delivery address details which are printed on the top of the Order.


Up to 3 lines of text which are printed on the order. This could be banking details or any special instructions that you need the supplier to be aware of. These can also be changed or edited when the order is issued.


This area allows you to setup up to 200 ‘rolling’ advertising / promo images and messages that will be displayed, in sequence, as a full screen on the secondary customer display.To Add an Image to the list click “Add Image” button then navigate to and select each the previously created image(s) that you require.

To Delete an image from the list, mark the image in the list and press ‘Delete Image’.

Cycle Period

This is the amount of time (in seconds ) that you require each image to be displayed, before it moves on to the next image.

Delay Before Display

This is the amount of time that the customer display grid remains on the screen, after the transaction is finalized, before the full screen images begin to display again. This is useful to allow the customer some to review their recently completed transaction.

Creating the Advertising Image Files

You can create images of any size for this (the selected image will be proportionally resized to fit the area available) but for the best quality results the size of the image should be approx the size of the secondary display horizontal and vertical resolutions. For example on a 800×600 resolution screen it would be created as a 800 (pixels wide) X 600 (pixel high) image.

Food Service


If an item is to be prepared in the kitchen or other area when ordered ( registered on the POS terminal) then select the Printer/Screen Name (1,2,3 or 4) in Stock Item>Kitchen

When the transaction is finalized or allocated to a Table/Order then any item in the transaction which is a ‘Kitchen Printer / Screen Item’ will be sent to the selected Kitchen Printer/Screen along with Time, Date and Receipt No/IOrder No. This allows the kitchen staff to prepare the item(s) and deliver the completed item(s) to the appropriate customer using this identification number.

Kitchen Order Printers and Screens

For each kitchen printer or screen: No 1 – 4

Select the name of the kitchen printer or the kitchen screen you are using from the drop down list.

Printer Name

Enter a descriptive name for the selected kitchen printer (e.g. Fryer, Salad Bar, Grill etc)

Line Feeds

Sets the number of blank lines printed after the text on each of the Kitchen printers.

Kitchen Order Screen

This displays orders and Item that have to be prepared before the customer receives them. The Orders appear on the screen with: Order No/Name, Date & Time Ordered, Item Name(s) and Modifiers (if any)

The Orders are color coded, according to Order Type as follows:

      • Orders (Numeric) – Navy

      • Orders (Alpha-Numeric) – Red

      • Table – Green

      • Delivery – Purple

      • Account – Olive

      • Takeaway – Brown

      • Eat Here – Orange

When the order has been prepared the operator clicks on the Order and it is removed from the screen and marked as finished.

You can Recall and View Kitchen Screen orders that have been removed by clicking on a blank area on the screen. This shows the last 9 Orders and you can recall them back onto the order screen by clicking the Order line. Click anywhere on the Recall panel to close it.

The following settings work when using a standard windows printer driver:

Font Size

Sets the font size for the text on the Kitchen docket.

Font Name

Sets the font name for the text on the Kitchen docket.


No Of Copies of each Kitchen Docket to Print.

Top Line Feed

Sets the number of blank lines printer before the text on the Kitchen docket.

Maximum Text Width

Sets the amount of characters allowed across the width of the Kitchen Docket. If there is unused extra space after the item description you can increace this value.

Group Order Items by Category

Groups the Order Items, on the Docket Printerand the Kitchen Screen, in Category Groups with Category Headings. Makes it easier for Kitchen staff to manage items.

Add Blank Line Between Items

Adds a blank line between each item on the Kitchen Dockets. (makes them easier to read)

Cut Dockets

Sends a standard Cut command to the Docket printer each time a docket is printed. Uses the Cutter Command string in the Printer Control section.

Don’t Cut Dockets on Identical Printer

Does not send a Cut Command to the Docket printer, between Dockets, if the both Kitchen Dockets are begin printed on the same printer. Still sends a Cut Command at the end of the Docket Order printing job.

Print Direct to Printers

Prints Directly to the printer. This allows for very fast printing and should be used if the standard printing is unacceptably slow. (This mode always prints in standard Font Size and Style (cannot be changed) )

Order Font Size

Sets the font size for the Order No text on the Kitchen docket.

Kitchen Screen Font Size

Changes the font size of the text on the Kitchen Order Screen.

3 Columns/4 Columns

The amount of colums displayed on the Kitche Order Screen

(Note: If you have few orders running at a time (and few modifiers) then you should use 3 columns, and a larger font size (say 30 or more). This makes the order more readable BUT you get less orders on the screen at a time If you have a lot orders running at a time (and many modifiers) then you should use 4 columns, and a smaller this font (say 12). This makes the order less readable BUT you get more orders on the screen at a time.)

Delivery Schedule Font Size

Sets the font size for the Delivery Schedule.

Delivery Docket Font Size

Sets the font size for the Delivery Docket.

Delivery Docket Horizontal Scale

Sets the Horizontal Scale for the Delivery Docket

Control Characters

Enter the various control characters for each element on the Kitchen Docket.(select Print Direct To Printers for these to work except *)

Printer NameControl characters for the Printer Name element.

Date and TimeControl characters for the Date and Time element.

ItemsControl characters for the printed items. (this is overridden if there are Control Characters set in the specific Item Details)

Receipt/Order NoControl characters for the Receipt/Order No/Table No element.

UNPAIDControl characters for the “UNPAID” text printed on the Kitchen Printers.

Clear CommandsThe commands to clear the text attributes after each line is printed. This should always be entered.

The commands to cut the docket after it is printed.Examples of ESC/POS (Epson) sequences. (please refer to the relevant ESC/POS manual for more information)

Turn Red Printing On – 27,114,49

Underline – 27,45,49

Emphasized Printing – 27,33,8

Double Height Printing – 27,33,16

Double Width Printing – 27,33,33

Clear Commands – 27,64

Cutter – 27,105

Note: Cutter Commands work whether or not Print Direct to is selected.Control characters should b e entered as decimal values separated by commas. Note:Commands can be combined by adding to together the last 3 digits. For example to print Double Width and Double Height the command would be 27,33,49 (33+16)


Printer Name27,114,49 – Turns Red On – The Printer Name appears in red.

Date And Time27,33,24 – Turns Emphasized and Double Height Printing On – Date and Time Prints Dark Black and Double Height

Items27,33,8 – Turns Emphasized Printing On – Items print in Dark Black and Normal Size.

Receipt/Order No27,33,16,27,45,49 – Turns Double Height Printing AND Underline On – Receipt No prints in Double Size Black Underlined..

UNPAID27,114,49 – Turns Red On – The UNPAID text prints in Red.

Clear Commands27,64 – Clears the text attributes after each line is printed.

Cutter27,105 – Cuts the Docket after it is printed.

Examples of Citizen / Javelin sequences. (please refer to the relevant manual for more information)

      • Red – 19

      • Enlarged Characters – 14

      • Normal Characters – 15

      • Inverse Print – 18

      • Underline – 27,45,1

      • Clear Command – 24

      • Full Cut – 27,80,0

      • Partial Cut – 27,80,1

Purge Orders and Tables

This removes all items from the Table / Order database where they are marked as “Paid” (i.e. completed).

Purge Kitchen Orders

This removes all pending or completed Kitchen Orders.

Table Layout

Allows you to design the graphical layout of you tables for easy table selection, as follows. (recommended to use a mouse for accurate positioning in this design mode)

Add a new table press the “Add Table” button.

Move a table, click in the upper-left corner of the table, hold down the mouse and drag the table to the required position.

Resize a table, click on the black “Grip” box at the bottom right corner of the table, hold down the mouse and rezsize the table.

Change the Shape of the table to “Round”, right click on the upper-left corner of the table and select “Round Shape”

Assign a Table Number to the table: Right click on the upper-left corner of the table and select “Assign Table No” then enter the Table Number or a Short Table Name in the box.

Copy an Existing table (make a clone of it), right click on the upper-left corner of the table and select “Copy Table”. This is used if you have already made a table of the correct size and you want to make an exact copy.

Delete a Table, right click on the upper-left corner of the table and select “Delete Table”.

Note: You can also create other objects such as seats, walls, dividers, doors, benches, kitchen/service areas etc by adding a new table and re-sizing it but not Assigning a Table No to it.

You can also enter some text as the Table Number (as a description such as “Service Area” or “Kitchen” etc). If text is used instead of a Table Number then this object will not be treated as a table.


Auto Order Number
Automatically generates a unique Order Number (very fast one, click orders)

Prompt for Order ID on Orders
Prompts the operator to overide the automatically generated Order Number If nothing is entered it uses the automatically generated Order Number.

Show Order Button Screen
Always shows the Order Button Screen, with Current Running Orders, Unused Previous Order Names. The Operator can enter a new Name in the Order ID box.

Show Table Layout Instead of Buttons
Check this to display a graphical layout of Tables when a Table order is entered or selected.

Show Last xxxx Digits on Orders
Restrrict the number of Digits Shown on the Order Screen, Dockets and Receipts. Makes it easier for Customers to remember their Order No. For example if you have only up to 100 orders a day then you might set this to 2, so thet the order numbers will be in the range 01 to 99.

Order Button Caption
The Name that shows on the Order Button. If all your Orders a Takeaway you might want to chang it to that..

Prompt for Order ID on Table Orders
Prompts the operator to overide the Table Number for Table Orders. If nothing is entered it displays the Table No selecyion screen.

Prompt for Order ID on Delivery Orders
Prompts the operator to overide the automatically generated Delivery Order Number. Maybe a customer address. If nothing is entered it uses the automatically generated Order Number

Prompt for Order ID on Immediate Payment Orders
Prompts the operator to overide the automatically generated Delivery Order Number when an Order is paid for immediately. Maybe a customer name. If nothing is entered it uses the automatically generated Order Number

Prompt for Customer Name Before Processing Order Payment
Prompts the User to enter their Name before processing the Payment, if the Order has Kitcchen Print items in it. Usually used in Self-Service mode where you want the customer name appear on the Kitchen order. If they press OK, without entering anything it will default to the Auto Order Number.

Prompt for Order Type on Immediate Payment Orders
Prompts the operator to select the Order Type when an Order is paid for immediately (e.g: Eat Here, Takeaway). Simply prints this on the Docket and Receipt to inform of extra information about the order.

Always Finalize Orders Immediately
Shows the payment screen immediately (with no prompt) so the operator can finalize and pay for an Order or Table when the Order or Table is selected.

Auto-Complete Order Name
Auto complete/suggests the order name from the first letters typed in.

Use Member Details on Order Buttons
If a member no is entered or selected, and the sale is assigned to an Order then the selected Member Code and Surname are automatically displayed in the Order ID box in the Order screen. This saves the operator from having to retype the Member Name or Number when it is assigned to an Order. This is typically used where phone orders are taken, assigned to an order then later selected for delivery.

A typical scenario would be as follows:

      1. Customer rings with phone order.

      2. Operator enters Customer No on main screen and presses enter. The Customer No is usually the 10 digit phone number of the customer (set the Member Code Data Length to 10 in Settings>Members)or a Customer Name.

        • If the customer is already on file the Customer details are displayed with Code (phone number), Name and Delivery address.

        • If the customer is NOT on file, a new Customer detail screen is displayed. The operator enters the Name or Phone and Delivery address in the appropriate fields.

      3. Operator presses ‘Select’ and the Customer detail is displayed on the main transaction screen.

      4. Operator selects and registers the items ordered.

      5. Operator selects Order button. The Customer Code and Surname is displayed in the ID box. Operator Presses OK.

Notify when Screen Order is prepared
Pop up a message when the kitchen screen order is marked as complete.

Display Delivery and Pickup Wait Times
Displays the current Deliver and Pickup delay times on the main screen (under the transaction grid). Clicking on this box allows you to set the Pickup and Delivery Wait times. This is usually used to send the value to your on-line ordering system to indicate to customers how long they will have to wait for either pickup or delivery.

Set Order No to 1 at Start of Day
Rounds the Next Order number upwards so it starts with 1 at the start of every day.

Prompt to Pay for Order/Table Immediately
Shows a prompt allowing the operator to immediately finalize and pay for an Order or Table when the Order or Table is selected.

Prompt for Partial Payments for Tables and Orders
Displays a prompt when partial payments are made on Tables and Orders.

Prompt to Delay Kitchen Order
Prompts the operator whether they want to delay printing of the Kitchen Order (docket). This is useful if the kitchen facilities are unavailable to process the whole order immediately and require the whole order to be printed to the kitchen only when the facilities are ready. The order is then stored and recalled using the “Orders” or “Table” button.

Delay (Sec): This is the amount of time that elapses before a prompt appears asking the operator if they want to print the delayed orders (this ensures that the operator does not forget that there are pending, delayed kitchen orders. Prompts the operator to enter a Number (maybe a Table or Order Number) to be printed on the kitchen dockets. This is useful when you assign number to the customer when he places and pays for the order in one step. It eliminates the need to assign an Order or Table No using the “Order” button.

Prompt for Delivery Docket on Order Recall
Displays a prompt for printing of a Delivery Docket when a Order is recalled. Used in conjunction with the option described above.

Prompt for Receipt on all Orders
Displays a prompt for printing of a Receipt when a Order is created.

Prompt for Customer Name on Kitchen Docket
Prompts the operator to enter a Customer Name or ID which will be printed on the kitchen docket(s)

Show Payment Status on Dockets
Prints payment Status (PAID or UNPAID) and Payment Type on Dockets

Print Kitchen Items Individually
Prints and individual/separate docket for each Kitchen Printer Item.

Print Kitchen Name on Docket
Prints ateh Printer Name on the Kitchen Docket.

Show Kitchen Printer List on Docket
Shows a list of all active Kitchen Printers at the bottom of each docket.

Print All Customer Details on Docket
Prints Customer Name, Address and Phone Number on the top of the Kitchen Dockets.

Print Receipt / Order No Only
Prints a receipt only with Store Name, Logo and Receipt / Order No.

Print 2 Copies of Receipt for Orders
Always print 2 copies of the receipt when an order is created.

Show Payment Status on Dockets
Shows either PAID or UNPAID

Prompt for No of Diners
Show a prompt to enter the No of People dining when Table Order is created. Print on the Kitchen Docket to inform kitchen staff.

Print Only Name and Customer Code on Receipt
Prints only the Customer name and Customer Code on the Receipt.

Self Service Order Accepted Prompt
Enter the message that you want to appear at the top of the Successul Order message screen. Defaults to “Order Accepted”

Self Service Order Pickup Prompt
Enter the message that you want to appear under the Order No in the Successul Order message screen. Defaults to “Please Wait in Order Delivery Area”

Self Service Prompt Timeout
The amount of time that the Self-Service Payment Response Message stays on the screen until it automatically disappears..

For a SUCCESSFUL payment prompt you would want this Message to stay long enough for the Customer to read and remember their Order No.

The Message will remain on the screen for the the given amount of time that you enter here, unless the Message is clicked to close it.

If it is set for TOO long and you have Customers queueing to use the terminal, it may confuse the following customer, who would either have to wait until the messages disappears (after the timeout) OR click the message to close it (if he knows how to use it). In any case when the Message closes or is clicked to close it clears the existing transaction and starts a new one.

For an UNSUCCESSFUL payment prompt (EFTPOS Declined) you would want this message to stay long enough for the Customer to decide to either abandon the transaction OR to try to make the EFTPOS payment again by clicking the message, in which case the transactionswill remain on the screen, . If the customer fails to respond (click) in the given time then the transaction will be cleared and if the customer decides he wants to continue the transaction he will have to start again. If you have Customers queueing to use the terminal, then they either have to wait until the message disappears OR click the message and press “Clear All Items” to start a new transaction.


Select which Delivery Services you will be using from the checklist.

Record Customer Delivery Details
Prompt to record the Customer Details when you process a Delivery Service order.


When the order is ready to be delivered

Operator selects Order button then selects the Order from the displayed buttons.

Operator is prompted to print a Delivery Docket. If selected, a delivery docket is printed with the Order Details and Delivery Address.

When the Driver / Deliverer returns from Delivery

Operator selects Order button then selects the Delivery Order from the displayed buttons.

Operator is prompted to print a Delivery Docket and Selects ‘No’.

Operator finalizes the transaction with payment etc.

Modifier List

Allows you to setup various “Modifier Lists” or “Condiment Chains” which can be linked to any stock item and printed to the Kitchen Printer(s). The lists and items under each list are then chosen by the operator when the item is selected.

Either enter a NEW List Name (e.g. Cooking Time) into the Modifier List Name box OR select an EXISTING List Name from the drop down list. Enter the Options for the List in the lower grid (e.g. Rare, Med-Rare, Medium, Well Done etc.). If there a price or charge for the extra item enter it in the “Price Column”

Press “Add Item” to add a New Item to the bottom of the List.

Press “Insert Item” to add a New Item directly above the selected item in the list.

Press “Delete Item” to delete the selected item in the list.

Note: The Modifiers are grouped vertically 5 at a time on the operator selection screen.

If practical you may want to group items into 3, 4 or 5 options so they can be displayed logically in separate columns in the selection screen.

For Example:. No Sugar, 1 Sugar, 2 Sugars, 3 Sugars (4 items). or Cooking Rare, Medium Rare, Medium, Well Done (4 Items)

Insert 1 or 2 blank lines/Items, as the fourth and/or fifth items in the group, (which will show a blank space where the 4th or 5th button would be) and then each type would be diplayed in its own column.


Click on the Color Column to select a Color for the Modifier Button.

Sold Out

Click on this column to mark the Item as Sold Out (with a Y) or click on the Y to remove it and indicate that the item is available again. If the item is “Sold Out” it will be indicated in the Modifier Selection screen.

Press “Save List” to save the Modifier List.

To delete a Modifier List – Press “Delete List”


The compusory minimum no of selections, to be made, from each page, for the selected list. Leave this blank if there is no compulsory minimum for the selected list.


The maximum no of selections, that can be made, from each page, for the selected list. Leave this blank if there is no maximum for the selected list.

Modifier + Prefix

The prefix that will be added to the selected modifier when the + key is pressed. (defaults to Add)

Modifier – Prefix

The prefix that will be added to the selected modifier when the – key is pressed. (defaults to No)


You have a Stock Item called “Steak” with possible sauces – Mushroom, Garlic, Pepper and possible cooking times – Rare, Medium Rare, Medium, Well Done.

In Settings>Modifier Lists create 2 Modifier Lists:

Sauces: with the following items: Mushroom, Garlic, Pepper.

Cooking Time: Rare, Medium Rare, Medium, Well Done.

In Stock>Stock Item Details: Create or Select the stock item (e.g. Steak).

In Stock>Stock Item Details: Select the “Food Service” button and place a check mark next to: Sauces and Cooking Time.


Disable Multiple Item Discount MID

Disables the MID price (Multiple Item Discount) feature.

Disable Special Prices

Disables the Special Price feature.

Enable Promotional Discounts

This allows you to issue numbers or barcodes to your customers as a special discount promotion. When the barcode is scanned or a number entered at the end of a customer transaction, then the transaction is automatically discounted by the percentage amount that you have entered in Default Discount Percentage (Settings>General|Monetary)

Price Shift Overrides Multiple Item Discount (MID)

Overrides item Multiple Item Discount price whenever a Price Shift is selected.

Disable Price Shift after Each Transaction

If a Price Shift is selected it is cancelled at the end of each transaction. Useful if the the Price Shift is used to select a temporary, single transaction only price.

Enable Price Shift for New Items

Enables the Price Shifts for any new item created.

Prevent Sales Below Cost Price

Prevents sales of items whose Sell price is below the recorded Cost Price.

Compulsory Item Costing

All items must have a value in the Item Cost box. If there is no cost the system will error and not allow the operator to register the item.

Price Shift Names

These are the descriptive names and details for the price shifts.

When you select a Price Shift using the “Price Shift” key on main screen, the prices for all Stock Items which have “Enable Price Shifts” checked in Stock Detail>Pricing, will be increased or decreased by the given percentage in in the % – or + Box OR calculated directly from the Price $ box in the Stock Details>Pricing Screen.

For example you may have: “Happy Hour” when you charge 10% less for all (or specific items). In this case you would put “Happy Hour” in the left box and “-10” in the % – or + Box OR “Late Hours” when you charge 20% more for all (or specific items). In this case you would put “Late Hours” in the left box and “20” in the % – or + Box.

Start Time and End Time (optional)

Enter the Start Time for the Price Shift (in the format hh:mm:ss)

Enter the End Time for the Price Shift (in the format hh:mm:ss)

Days (optional)

      • Select the Days of the Week that the Price Shift will be active for.

      • If you uncheck all of the days then the Price Shift will not be used on any days of the week (in other words disabled).

      • If you check all of the days then the Price Shift will be used on all days of the week (in the selected Time range).

      • Click on the empty Start or End Time to enter 00:00:00 and 23:59:59 respectively (in other words all day)

      • The Price Shift will be active for the selected days between the entered times.

If a specific Automatic Time and Day Based is selected in Stock Item Detail>Pricing and Enable Price Shifts is checked then: If the Transaction Time and Date is within the Time and Date range entered AND a Price Shift IS NOT manually selected using the “Price Shift” function key, then the Price Shift Name will be used.

If you Select None in Stock Item Detail>Pricing OR if a Price Shift IS manually selected using the “Price Shift” function key, the Price will be calculated using the % – or +Box OR using the Price $ Box in the Stock Details>Pricing Screen. (The Time and Date range is ignored)

Apply Default

This will set the selected Time and Day Price Shift for the Stock Items when you press “Apply to Selected Category” or “Apply to All Items”.

Apply to Selected Category

Sets the “Apply Default” Price Shift scheme to all items in the selected category specified in the category drop down list. This will set the Price Shift for each item to ‘Enabled’.

Apply to All Items

Sets the “Apply Default” Price Shift scheme to ALL items. This will set the Price Shift for each item to ‘Enabled’.

Scan Retail Variable Weight and Price Items

Check the format of the Barcodes you are using in your shop These are usually “in-house” printed barcodes or from weigh-label machines applied to weigh and price labelled items.

      • These barcodes are 12 or 13 digits long, start with either 02, 06, 20, 21, 24, 28 or 29 and have the price embedded in them.

      • The item is identified by digits 3 to 6 in the barcode (4 digits). or Digits 3 to 7 (5 Digits) To identify the product, first create a stock item (description etc) with 4 or 5 digits only entered into the barcode field in the stock item details.

        • In these cases (except for the Embedded Weight Type) the price field of the item is irrelevant as the actual price is embedded in the barcode and is extracted when the barcode is scanned.

      • 4 Code, 5 Price Mode

        Select this when the barcode is encoded with 4 digits for the product code (digits 3 to 6) and 5 digits for the price (digits 8 to 12).

      • 5 Code, 4 Price Mode

        Select this when the barcode is encoded with 5 digits for the product code (digits 3 to 7) and 4 digits for the price (digits 9 to 12).

      • 4 Code, 4 Price Mode

        Select this when the barcode is encoded with 4 digits for the product code (digits 3 to 6) and 4 digits for the Price (digits 8 to 11).

      • 5 Code, 5 Price Mode

        Select this when the barcode is encoded with 5 digits for the product code (digits 3 to 7) and 4 digits for the Price (digits 8 to 11).

      • 5 Code, 5 Weight Mode (Embedded Weight)

        Select this when the barcode is encoded with 5 digits for the product code (digits 3 to 7) and 5 digits for the Weight (digits 8 to 12).

        In this case the price is then calculated from the embedded weight multiplied the item price (per Kg)

Embedded Weight Type

In this case you should enter the 4 digit product identified in the Barcode field of the Stock Item (compatible with US Hobart Scales mode)

Auto Generate Barcode

Adds a unique 13 digit EAN type barcode to each item in your stock database that doesn’t already have one.

Staff Commissions

Allows you to issue your staff with sales commissions with percentages based on on individual (or All) categories and discounts (if any) granted by the sales person. Enable Commissions – Enables the commission feature. Staff Commissions Panel The first column allows you to select the individual categories that you want to set specific commissions for. This is when you want different commission rates for specific categories. If you just have one commission rate for all of your products then do not select any categories in the list, just use the first row (ALL). The second column ‘Maximum Discount 1’ allows you to enter the Maximum Discount % that is allowed for the staff to receive the Commission % entered in the ‘Commission % 1’ column. If you DO NOT allow discounts then just put 0 in the ‘Maximum Discount 1’ column and the commission % in the ‘Commission % 1’ column. If you DO allow discounts then you can set the maximum discount allowed in the ‘Maximum Discount 1′ column and the commission received in the”Commission % 1’ column. You can also (optionally) enter other maximum discounts allowed, and the corresponding commission % received in the ‘Maximum Discount 2′,’Commission % 2’ , ‘Maximum Discount 3’ and ‘Commission % 3’ columns. For Example: Issue a commission of 10% on any sale that the staff member makes where there is no discount applied. I>ssue a commission of 7.5% on any sale that the staff member makes where there is a discount applied of up to 10% Issue a commission of 5% on any sale that the staff member makes where there is a discount applied of up to 20% No commission issued for any sale where there is more than 20% discount. The table will look like this: CATEGORY Maximum Discount 1 Commission % 1 Maximum Discount 2 Commission % 2 Maximum Discount 3 Commission % 3 ALL 0 10 10 7.5 20 5 Also you can select any category where you want to apply specific commission(s) to. For Example: Issue a commission of 12.5% on the sale of any item in the “Hardware” category, that the staff member makes where there is no discount applied. Issue a commission of 9% on the sale of any item in the “Hardware” category that the staff member makes where there is a discount applied of up to 8% ssue a commission of 6% on the sale of any item in the “Hardware” category that the staff member makes where there is a discount applied of up to 15%. No commission issued on the sale of any item in the “Hardware” category where there is more than 15% discount. The table will look like this: CATEGORY Maximum Discount 1 Commission % 1 Maximum Discount 2 Commission % 2 Maximum Discount 3 Commission % 3 ALL 0 10 10 7.5 20 5 Hardware 0 12.5 8 9 15 6 When an item is sold the commissions table is checked. If the item fits into one of the specific categories then that Discount/Commission rate is used. If the item is NOT in one of the specific categories then the ALL (default) Discount/Commission rate is used. Bookings and Hiring Minimum Booking Time – This is the minimum length of time, in minutes, that you reserve for a booking. The booking grid dates will be divided up into blocks by this time period. Advance Bookings (Days) – The amount of days in advance that you will accept bookings for. Maximum Simultaneous Bookings – This is the amount of bookings you can accept at the one time. For example a hairdresser working on his own can only take 1 booking at a particular time whereas a restaurant may have 20 tables thus be able to take 20 reservations at the same time. Minimum Hire Period – This is the minimum length of time, Days and Hours that your hire items are hired out for. When you select a Hire Item the item can be hired for any amount of time based on this minimum period.

Table of Contents

Neopos User Guide

Feel free to email us at [email protected] if you have any suggestions for improvements to the software or to report any bugs. Your feedback is appreciated and will assist us to continue the development of this software.

Quick Start Guide

Setup Reciept Printer

See here for detailed instructions

Enter or Edit Stock Items

Select Stock button

To clear all of the test items, press Delete All.

Select Stock>New. At minimum, enter Description, Category, Barcode (optional) and Price.

Press Save.

Add Items to Hotkey Screens

Right-Click (click Hold) on a Blank Hotkey.

Search for and Select the Item for the Stock Search Screen.


Right-Click (click Hold) on an Existing Hotkey.

Select “Edit” from the menu.

Search for and Select the Item for the Stock Search Screen.

Customizing Layout

(Main Function Panel, Hotkey Utility Panel, Hotkey Pages, Member Screen and Hotkeys)

NeoPOS uses the Right-Click function for customization. Most touchscreen systems use the Click and Hold Down action to emulate/simulate the Right-Click. See Control Panel>Pen And Touch>Press and Hold. Alternatively you can plug in a USB mouse to do the customization. The user must have “Settings” permission.

To Add a Button ( i.e. If you cannot locate a particular required Function key)

Click on any blank area position on the panel (you may need to either Remove or Change the size of an existing button).

Select the Button Function from the list that appears.

To Move a Button to another position

Click-Hold the button until the Drag symbol appears in the center of the Key.

Without Lifting Off, Drag the button to the position you require then lift off.

To Remove a Button

Click-Hold and Release the button to show the configuration menu.

Press “Remove” to remove the button.

To Rename a Button

Click-Hold and Release the button to show the configuration menu.

Search for and Select the Item in the Stock Maintenance screen

Enter the New Name

To Change the Size of a Button

Click-Hold and Release the button to show the configuration menu.

Select 1×1 for Standard Size Key, Select 2×1 for Double-Width (default) Key, Select 1×2 for Double-Height (default) Single Width Key or 2×2 for Double-Width, Double Height Key

To Change the Color of a button

Click-Hold and Release the button to show the configuration menu.

Select the Color from the color dialog.

The default colors are shown in “Custom Colors” at the bottom of the pallet. You may want to use these colors if you want to have a consistent color pallet for all your keys.

To Edit a Hotkey Button Item

Click-Hold and Release the button to show the configuration menu. Select “Edit”.

Edit the Item as required in the item Details Screen press Save.

To Clear a Hotkey Button item

Click-Hold and Release the button to show the configuration menu.

Press “Remove” to Clear the Item from the Hotkey.

To Change a Hotkey Button Item

Click-Hold and Release the button to show the configuration menu. Select “Change”.

Search for and Select the Item in the Stock Maintenance screen.

To Add an Item to a blank Hotkey Button

Click-Hold and Release the button.

Search for and Select the Item in the Stock Maintenance screen.

To Change the Page Layout of a Hotkey Page

Click-Hold and Release the Page button to show the configuration menu.

Select “Layout”.

Select the Layout Required.

Settings – General

NeoPOS is designed to work with all versions of Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10).

As there are a variety of operating systems and various security, permission and user configurations possible on target machines, there may some issues when installing NeoPOS in regards to permissions and security level.

NeoPOS operates in standard screen resolutions including Standard and Widescreen Mode.

If the any displayed screen is too large or too small for your display then the screen size can be adjusted using the Screen Size Adjustment setting in Settings>Display. For example if the screen is just a little too big then you may want to set this to 0.9 instead of the default.

NOTE: If you are unable to access the Settings button (for example the screen is too large) then you can open the page by pressing “Y’ on the keyboard.

Once you change any settings, exit and restart the program for them to take effect.

NeoPOS Mode

Select the Mode that you want the NeoPOS program to run in.

POS Terminal – NeoPOS runs as a standard Point of Sale terminal. This is for standalone terminals OR multiple terminals which are connected to a shared database on the Local Area Network.

Administrator – Allows all administrator functions such as Stock management, Reporting, Ordering etc.

Kitchen Screen – Terminal is used as a Kitchen Order display screen. No – The Specific Screen Number 1 – 4 if you are using more than 1 order screen.

Training Mode – Check this to run NeoPOS in Training Mode which means no Transaction Information is recorded, and no adjustment is made to Stock level when an item is sold.

Client Terminal – Use this for Multiple Store configurations. Clients run on their own local databases (fast) independent of Internet connection. If the internet is down or slow, the performance of the client is unaffected. Clients displays status showing whether server is ONLINE (shows ping time) or OFFLINE (time it went OFFLINE). .If the internet is down then the server synchronizes the data from the client(s) when the internet connection is re-established to the client

Server – Use this for Multiple Store configurations. Uses Virtual Database Replication (VDR) to maintain a synchronized master NeoPOS database which can be located on a cloud server or remote physical PC. Server runs independently of the clients and synchronizes any data added or edited on any client. Timeout (s) – The amount of time allowed for the server to connect to a client terminal. Set this higher if the Server is showing “CONNECTION FAILED” messages.


Terminal Number – This is the number assigned to this particular POS terminal. It is only used if you have multiple POS terminals connected to a single client/server database. In this case each terminal should have an individual Terminal No.

Store Number and Name – Select the Store Number and Name for this terminal. These can be edited and created in Settings>Stores. If you are only using only one store this should be set to 0 – Default.

Backup / Restore Directory – Select the location where the backups are saved to when Automatic Backup is enabled. Backups are automatic each time you close NeoPOS It may be done to either a location on your Hard Drive, to A USB drive or other removable media or to a service such as Google Drive or Dropbox.

Secondary Backup Restore Directory – Select the location where a second copy of backups are saved to when Automatic Backup is enabled. Recommend that this is set to a USB drive or Cloud storage location such as Dropbox or Google Drive.

Backup Archives – When this is checked the program automatically backs up any Archive tables (as well as all of the current data) when NeoPOS is closed. This can be disabled/unchecked when the backup process is taking a long time (when NeoPOS is closed) which could be the case if the Archives are large and/or your PC is slow/older and/or if you are backing up to a cloud storage service. NOTE: This should only be turned off after you a have created a prior backup (including Archives) and you have placed these in a secure location (e.g. Cloud Server)

Automatic Backup – When this is checked the program automatically backs up all data when NeoPOS is closed. We Strongly Recommend that this is always enabled.

StockTake Data Directory – This is the location where the mobile scanner is set to synchronize its data to.

SQL Settings

This allows you to view or edit the settings for the SQL database server. These settings should normally NOT be changed, but for your reference the following settings are available.

Provider – Not used in the current version.

User Name – Set to ‘postgres’ unless you set it to something else during the PostgreSQL setup.

Password – Set to ‘P@ssw0rd’ unless you set it to something else during the PostgreSQL setup.

Connection/Datasource – Normally set to ‘localhost’ If the database is located on a server, for example when you have multiple POS terminals running off a shared server, then it is set to the IP address of the server. If you are using the MSDASQL.1 ODBC provider then this is set to the ODBC connection name.

Port – Set to ‘5432’ unless you set it to something else during the PostgreSQL setup

Restore from Backup

Click this button to retrieve a table from a previous back up. This will overwrite all of the existing data in the selected table.

Select Directory – Select the Directory that the backups are in. This defaults to the Backup/Restore Directory you previously entered.

Select Table – Select the name of each table you want to restore (Usually, at minimum, Stock, Hotkeys, TransactionLog, Operators).

Select Backup File – Select the specific backup file that you want taking note of the date and time. The Backups are displayed as TableName_yyyymmdd_hhmmss. The list is in order from newest to oldest with the newest one shown at the top.

Press OK.

Retreive Settings

Click this retrieve all program settings (that is all the information in the Settings Section) from the settings that were saved in the most recent Backup. This is very useful if you have reinstalled the software or are installing the software on another terminal as it saves having to enter all of the settings manually. NOTE:To use this, you must first use the ‘Restore” function and restore RegistryValues.

Reset Function Buttons to Default

Resets the Utility Panel and Hotkey Panel Function buttons to their default (original setup) values.

Backup Directory

This sets the location of the automated backup files. It is recommended that you set this to a USB stick location.

If there is no setting in this box then the backup is saved to the NeoPOS program directory.

Backup procedure is done in 3 ways.

When NeoPOS is shut down/closed.

When the system time is 11:59. This is to do a backup in case you have not closed NeoPOS.

ressing the “Backup” button. In this case you will be prompted to select the directory/location where you want the backup to be saved.

If you have an automated backup service running then you should include the NeoPOS directory and the Backup Directory in you schedule.

Business Operation

Select the Days, Opening and Closing Times and Shift times on which the business operates.

Enter the shift start and End times in HH:MM:SS format. If you do not use all 4 shifts then just leave the box blank.


Warn On Low Stock Level – Check this if you want to display a warning message if the stock level of any item is below the set ‘Minimum Stock’ value at transaction finalization.

Warn On Product Expiry – Shows a warning if the product’s Expiry Date is les than todays date

Allow Alpha-Numeric Barcodes – Check this if you want to use Alpha-Numeric Barcodes, that is barcodes with letters (A,B,C etc) in the barcode as well as standard “numeric only” barcodes.

Restrict item Quantity to 1 or Greater – Check this if you want to restrict use on the ‘Quantity’ key to accept only values of 1 or greater than 1 . This prevents the operator from entering 0 quantity or other unacceptable values.

Don’t allow Quantity to be Multiplied – The normal behavior of the Quantity function is to multiply the existing quantity by the new quantity entered eg.

Register and Item, shows Quantity 1

Enter 5 then press Quantity, then it shows 5 items.

Enter 2 then press Quantity, then it shows 10 items

In other words the Quantity function allows progressive multiplication . Check this box you want to prevent this feature (i.e. Each time you enter a Quantity it will set the new Quantity to this amount only).

Only Search Products when Enter Key is Pressed – This stops the automatic search feature (each time a key is pressed) in the Stock Maintenance / Product Search screen. Instead the search will take place only when the “Enter” key or “Search” button is pressed.

Prompt to Delete Stock item when 0 Stock is Reached – Prompts the operator to Delete the Item when 0 stock is reached. Useful if you sell stock that is purchased once then is not sold again once it is sold out.

Print Receipt on Stock Movement – Print a receipt whenever Stock is Received or Dispatched from the “Stock Receival Screen”.

Deduct Layby Items from Stock Immediately – If this is checked then the item is deducted from stock immediately when the Layby is created. If it is unchecked then the item is not deducted from stock until the item is fully paid for and delivered.

Don’t Allow Idenical Items to be Grouped – All regitered Items are shown as Individual items rather than shown as cosolidated multi-quantity item.

Search Stock Items Left-to-Right – Restrict product search from Left-to-Right only. Doesn’t show matches where the search string is located within part of the product name.

Don’t Group Identical Items – Each transaction item is shown separately rather than grouped (added together)

Use Keyboard Shortcuts – Use keyboard Alpha Keys for improtant functions (see list further down)

Dont Load History in Extra Items – Don’t show the historical list of Extra Items in the Extra Item screen – Speeds up system in slow connection situation.

Enable Audio Warnings – Produces an Error sound when certain events happen. Currently when 0 Price Item is Regitered and when scanned item is not found.

Don’t Clear Search Box when No Items Found – Don’t clear the Search Box (in Stock Maintainence or Search Screens) it there are nt matching Items. Allows you to edit the (incorrectly) typed information instead of having to start again.

Settings – Reporting

Report Printing

Report Printer Name – Select the printer for printing of Reports from the drop down box.

Font Name – Select the font style / name for your printed reports.

Font Size – Enter the font size for your printed reports. If you are using the receipt printer for printing your reports (i.e. the selected receipt printer is the same as the selected report printer) then you may have to reduce the font size so that the report information fits properly on the receipt paper.

Left Offset – Enter the required left offset for printing reports . This is only required if the information is printing too far to the left on your reports. NOTE: This setting is in Pixels so you may have to enter a large number (say 500) here to see a significant left offset on the report.

Sales Report Horizontal Scale – Adjust this value to space out or compress the printing on the page. This is useful if the numeric data is printed too far to the right hand side of the page. It is also used to compress the report when you are using the Receipt Printer to print your sales reports. This is only required if the information is printing too far to the left on your sales reports or receipt.

Stock Report Horizontal Scale – Adjust this value to space out or compress the printing on the page. This is useful if the numeric data is printed too far to the right hand side of the page. It is also used to compress the report when you are using the Receipt Printer to print your stock reports. This is only required if the information is printing too far to the left on your stock reports.

Subtract Returns from Item and Cat Totals – Check this to remove any returned items (and values) from the Item and Category section total in the report. For example if you sell 3 of a particular item, and have 1 returned then with this checked the item and category section will show 2 items, with the return section showing 1. With this Unchecked the item and category section will show all 3 items, with the return section showing 1 item and another line showing Item Net Total (Item Total – Return Total)

Print Direct To Printer – Prints Directly to the printer. This allows for very fast printing and should be used if the standard printing is unacceptably slow. (This mode always prints in standard Font Size and Style (cannot be changed) )

Print Receipt Header on Reports – Prints the Establishment Name and the Text entered in Receipt>Header Message on the top of reports.

Open Drawer – Opens the Drawer after printing a report.

Daily Report End Time – Allows you to define the daily reporting period if it is different from the standard Midnight to Midnight period. This setting affects both the sales reports and the reconciliations. The report screen will default the Start Date, Start Time, End Date and End time according to this setting. For example: if your business trades to 3 a.m. each day then you would set this to 03:00. In this case the report and reconciliation would always start at 3:00:01 each day and end at 3:00:00 (3 a.m.) on the following day. Note: This can only be set up to 11:55 (before midday on the following day)

Line Feeds at top of Account Report – This is the number of line feeds printed at the top of the Account Report. Useful is you are printing the account report on a sheet with a header on the top. These are the captions displayed in the CASH RECONCILIATION section of the Sales Report. You can change these from their default values if required for easier recognition.

Clear Transactions – Click this to clear all of the Transaction (Sales) data from the database. It also clears the Payments, Account, Table and Order data. This would usually be used if you have been testing the software and want to clear the “test” transactions you have entered before you start using the system “Live”.

Settings – Receipt

Setting Up the Receipt Printer

Choose one of the 2 methods below.

Method 1 – Install the specific, manufacturer supplied, driver for the the Start Menu|Devices and Printers page. (or search for one on the web) . Once you have installed the printer, select Printer Properties and print a test page.

Method 2 – Install a Generic/Text Only printer in the Start Menu|Devices and Printers page. This should will work with all printers. This uses ESC/POS commands. This will maximize the speed of printing. If you use this function the program prints directly to the printer which may disable some of the windows printer functions (e.g. Font Size or Font Name). Also you can check “Print Direct To Printer” in Settings>Receipt to maximize printing speed

If the printing is slow then try setting “Print Directly to the Printer” in Windows Printer|Properties|Advanced.

If the printer prints too much paper when printing a receipt (esp. For Generic / Text Only Printers) do the following to set the correct (Receipt) paper size:

Go to Start Menu|Control Panel>Devices and Printers, and highlight the printer.

Select the printer and from the top line menu select “Server Properties”

Click “Create New Form” then enter “Receipt” in “Form Name”. In “Form description (measurements)” section enter Width “7.6cm” and Height “1.0 cm”.

Press then “Save Form” button and press “OK” to close.

In Printer>Properties>Preferences>General>Preferences>Advanced>Paper Size select the Form Name (e.g. Receipt) for each of the Drop-Down boxes.

In Printer>Properties>Advanced>Printing Defaults>Paper Size select the Form Name (e.g.. Receipt) for each of the Drop-Down boxes. NOTE: If you can’t see the “Receipt” form Name in the list then you may have to select the “Receipt” form again (in the “Server Properties”) and increase the value in the “Height” box, as in step 3 above.

In Printer>Properties>Preferences>Paper/Quality>Advanced>Paper Source select “No Feed, No Cut” OR “Automatically Select” or the appropriate Form Name (e.g.. Receipt).

In Printer>Properties>Advanced>Printing Defaults>Paper/Quality>Advanced>Paper Source select “No Feed, No Cut” OR “Automatically Select” or the appropriate Form Name (ie.g. Receipt).

In Printer>Properties>Device Settings select the appropriate Form Name for each of the Drop-Down boxes. NOTE: If the printer no longer prints, go back to Step 4, select the “Receipt” form name, and increase the Height value to, say, 2.0 cm.

Power Cycle Printer (clears any previous commands in printer)

Drawer and Cutter , Setting Receipt Cutting and Drawer Opening (2 Options)

If you want NeoPOS to Open the drawer and/or Cut the Receipt

In Control Panel>Printers and Devices>Your Printer Name>Printer Properties AND Advanced (2 Places)

Find where Open Drawer or Cut is mentioned in one of these Sections:

      • Paper/Quality

      • Device Properties

      • Feed and Cut

      • Drawer

      • Paper Type

      • Operation

Disable or Turn them off.

Save and Exit

NeoPOS>Settings>Receipt>Test Drawer – Press No until the Drawer Opens (preferably without printing a piece of paper) > Apply

NeoPOS>Settings>Receipt>Test Cutter – Press No until the Cutter Activates (preferably without printing a piece of paper) > Apply

If you want the Print Driver Itself to Open the drawer and/or Cut the Receipt (whenever anything is printed)

NeoPOS>Settings>Receipt>Drawer and Cutter – Put 0 (zero) in the “Drawer Open ASCII Code Sequence Box” > Apply

NeoPOS Settings>Receipt>Drawer and Cutter – Put 0 (zero) in the “Cutter ASCII Code Sequence Box” > Apply

In Control Panel>Printers and Devices>Your Printer Name>Printer Properties AND Advanced (2 Places)

Find where Open Drawer or Cut is mentioned in one of these Sections: Paper/Quality, Device Properties, Feed and Cut, Drawer, Paper Type, Operation. Enable or Turn them on.

Save and Exit

Drawer Port
Sets the correct port for the cash drawer connection. Choose the option that best suits your requirements.

This method uses Printer Driver Drawer Opening and will always open the drawer whenever a transaction is completed, even if a receipt is NOT printed, or when ‘NO SALE’ is selected. It sends a short print job (with no text) to the receipt printer whenever a transaction is completed.

Printer Driver Drawer Opening
Many printer drivers have a method for opening the cash drawer automatically (independent of NeoPOS) whenever a receipt is printed.

Exit the NeoPOS program

Go to Start Menu|Printers and Faxes then right-click on the receipt printer name and select Properties.

Locate the tab called ‘Additional Commands’ or ‘Drawer Control’ or similar then locate the setting for ‘Open Drawer 1’ or ‘End Print Job”

Enable the setting and enter the specific ASCII Code Sequence for opening the drawer in the box if shown. An example sequence may be shown (just copy this).

Press OK to Save.

Note: See drawer open sequences below. VIA PRINTER – If you do NOT use Printer Driver Drawer Opening then this option opens the drawer by sending the entered ASCII Code Sequence (see below) through the Receipt Printer (no need to set a specific port as this is set by the windows printer driver). Note: If your printer is connected to an LPT (parallel port) or Serial Port then you should select LPT1 or COM1 rather than VIA PRINTER.

For USB printers see below.

This means the NeoPOS makes no direct attempt to open the drawer. This may be used if there is no drawer connected or you intend to manually open the drawer.

NOTE: If Printer Driver Drawer Opening is used, the drawer will still be opened if a receipt is printed. It will NOT be opened if ‘NO SALE’ is selected OR if no receipt is printed. Posiflex USB – Opens Posiflex CR-4XX5-II USB Connected Cash Drawer. NOTE: This requires that the USBCR.DLL is in the NeoPOS Directory (contact NeoPOS to obtain a copy of this as it is not included in the standard NeoPOS installation)

Posiflex RJ COM1
Opens 12 Volt Cash Drawer connected directly to Posiflex Terminals via the RJ-11 connector. Always uses COM1 port on the terminal.

This is the preferred way to send the drawer open commands directly to USB printers. Select the computer and printer share name from the drop down list or type the computer name and printer share name the box in the form “\\computername\printersharename” Note:The printer must be shared for this to work and also the Printer should be set to “Spool Print Documents” in Advanced.The name of the Printer AND the shared name should be up to 8 digits long with no spaces e.g. Printer1. Also this will only work if you have an active network connection. COM 1-8, LPT1 – Send the entered ASCII Code Sequence, via the selected port, to open the drawer (as in VIA PRINTER).

Drawer Open ASCII Code Sequence

    • Select from the drop down list or enter the string of characters to open the drawer as required by the particular printer you are using.

    • The decimal control codes must be entered and separated by commas. Sequences enclosed by <> are hex representation and must be converted to decimal if used in NeoPOS.

      • Default:: 27,112,0,25,255 or 27,112,48,25,255 or 27,112,1,25,255 or 27,112,49,25,255

      • Gprint: 16,20,1,D,T – D=Drawer No 0 or 1 T=Open/Close Time 1-8 (x100ms or ><1B>p0<19> or 27,112,1,60,255 or 27,97,1,28,112,1,0,27,97,0 ,10,27,112,0

      • Sam4x ELIXIR 30: 27,112 or 27,112,48,64,255

      • Bixolon – 27,112,0,55,255 If these don’t work the refer to the documentation of your printer for the required code(s).

    • This webpage gives the required codes for a variety of printers

Note: In the case where you want to use the cutter BUT not the drawer opening then still select the appropriate drawer port (as above) BUT put a 0 in the Drawer Open ASCII Code Sequence.

Direct Connection
Check this option ONLY if the Cash Drawer is connected directly to the POS Terminal via a serial port. (not through the Receipt Printer) In this configuration the software asserts the DSR pin, on the 9D Serial connector to activate the drawer solenoid. To use this you will require a proprietary adapter supplied by NeoPOS.

Shared Drawer between Terminals
Check this box if you have 2 or more terminals connected to the same drawer. In this case you only enter and retrieve the total reconciliation for ALL Terminals.

Cutter ASCII Code Sequence
Enter the string of characters to activate the cutter (as required by the particular printer you are using). The decimal control codes must be entered and separated by commas. For Generic/Text Only and ESC/POS the sequence is 27,105 or 27,109

Receipt Settings

Establishment Name
The store name that will appear in large font on the top of the Receipt and on the top of Sales Reports.

Prints the words TAX INVOICE on the top of the receipt.

Header Message
Enter up to 20 lines of text that will appear on the header of the receipt.

Footer Message
Enter up to 20 lines of text that will appear on the footer of the receipt. You can also enter spaces in these lines if you want to force the printer to feed out

Font Size
The size of the Header Lines which are printed on the top of the receipt.

Receipt Printer Name
Select the installed receipt printer (as installed above) from the drop down list. If the printer you require is not in the list then you should exit NeoPOS and install a receipt printer as described below.

Font Size
Sets the default size for the text printed on the receipt. Normally set to 10.

Horizontal Scale
If required, adjust this value to change the horizontal locations of the text printed on the receipt. For example if the prices cannot be seen (meaning they are off the right of the receipt) then decrease this value (e.g.: to 0.5). Conversely if the printing on the receipt are in the center of the receipt or overlapping then increase the value (e.g. to 1.5).

Vertical Spacing
If required, adjust this value to change the vertical spacing of the text printed on the receipt. For example if the printed lines are too widely spaced then decrease this value (e.g. to 0.5). Conversely if the text on the receipt is squashed together too closely together then increases the value (e.g. to 1.5).

Left Offset
Enter the required left offset for printing receipt . This is only required if the information is printing too far to the left on your receipt. NOTE: This setting is in Pixels so you may have to enter a large number (say 500) here to see a significant left offset on the receipt.

Font Name
Sets the font type for the text printed on the receipt. Normally set to ‘Times New Roman”.

The number of duplicate copies of the Receipt to print;

Receipt No Font Size
Sets the size for the receipt No text. Normally set to 10. Only Show Last n Digits – Truncates the printing of the Receipt No so that it shows only the last n digits. This can be useful in a food service application where you want to give the customer an easy to remember number.

Control Characters
Sends ASCII control characters to the printer when a receipt is printed (ESC/POS Mode). The control characters should be entered as decimal values separated by commas. See Food Service for more details.

Logo (bmp or jpg)
Click in this box and navigate to any bmp (bitmap) or jpg file that you wish to appear on the top of the receipt. This would usually be a company logo. Bitmap ot jpg files can be created or edited in the standard Microsoft Paint program.

Logo Left Offset
Enter a numeric value in this box to position the logo across the top of the receipt. The larger the number the further to the right the logo will be printed. It may be used (for example) to center the logo on the printed receipt.

Bottom Logo
Click in this box and navigate to any bmp (bitmap) or jpg file that you wish to appear on the bottom of the receipt. Bitmap ot jpg files can be created or edited in the standard Microsoft Paint program.

A4 Logo
Click in this box and navigate to any bmp (bitmap) or jpg file that you wish to appear on the top of the A4 Invoices. Bitmap ot jpg files can be created or edited in the standard Microsoft Paint program.

Left Offset
Enter a numeric value in this box to position the logo across the top of the receipt. The larger the number the further to the right the logo will be printed. It may be used (for example) to center the bottom logo on the printed receipt.

Layby Footer
Add Text to be printed on the bottom of the Layby Receipt Printing to allow you to enter terms and conditions for Laybys.

Receipt – Options

Automatic Receipt Printing
Click this so a sales receipt will be automatically printed whenever the ‘Total Amount Due’ button is pressed.

Prompt for Receipt
Prompts to Print a Receipt whenever the ‘Total Amount Due’ button is pressed.

Print A4 Invoice
Click this to print a standardized format A4 Invoice instead of the receipt style invoice. Note: This assumes you are using standard resolution 600 DPI setting on your A4 printer.

The “To” box at the top of the invoice is filled with the Member/Client Name and Address (if selected)

The page header will show the Logo, Customer Name and any text details entered in the Receipt Header Lines box.

The details box at the bottom of the Invoice will show any text details entered in the Receipt Footer Lines box.

Print Lines On A4 Invoice
Click this to print horizontal grid lines on the A4 Invoice.

Prompt to Print A4 Invoice
Click this to show a prompt, each time you print a receipt, to allow you to select whether you want to print a standard receipt or a pro-forma A4 style invoice.

Print Direct to Printer
Prints Directly to the printer. This allows for very fast printing and should be used if the standard printing is unacceptably slow. (This mode always prints in standard Font Size and Style (cannot be changed) )

Don’t Show Tax or Subtotal on Receipts
Only shows the Total line on receipts.

Don’t Wordwrap Receipt Item Lines
Shows all item names as a single line on receipts (used if you are using wide receipt paper).

Don’t Show Item Notation on Receipt
Stops printing of the item ‘Notation” text on the receipt.

Print SKU
Prints the SKU number for the item (if thee is one) on the receipt. a Code 39 barcode, with the Receipt No, on Receipts and Invoices.

Print Barcode Number Under Items
Prints the barcode number for the item under the item descriptor.

Don’t Show Modifiers on Receipt
Don’t show any Item Modifiers on customer receipts.

Don’t Show Points on Receipt
Don’t show Customer Reward Points on customer receipts.

Problems with Receipt or Report Printing

Printing too compressed, squashed together or illegible on RECEIPTS or REPORTS.

Go to Settings>>Receipt|Horizontal Scale or Settings>Reporting|Horizontal Scale

Increase this value to spread/space out the printing horizontally.

Alternatively: Decrease the Font Size setting.

Exit then Restart the program.

Unable to see prices on the RECEIPT (meaning the printing is too far spaced out)

Go to Systems Settings>Receipt|Horizontal Scale Settings>Reporting|Horizontal Scale

Decrease this value to compress the printing horizontally. (For example change the value from 1 to 0.5 )

Exit then Restart the program.


Payment Type Captions

These are the captions for the payment types which are displayed shown when finalizing a transaction in the main transaction screen. Enter the payment types you accept (e.g.: CASH, CHEQUE, EFTPOS, AMEX, VISA. INTERNET etc)


A special case is if you want to use Customer Reward Points to pay for an item or to retrieve a credit. In this case you should enter “POINTS” (uppercase) as a payment type caption. When this is pressed then one of the following occurs:

        • If the option “Settings>Members>Points>Redeem Points as Transaction Credit” is selected then the number of points entered will be added to the transaction as a credit.


      • If the option Settings>Members>Points>Redeem Points as Transaction Credit is not selected then if the customer has a sufficient no of reward points the sale will be completed and the relevant no of points will be deducted (redeemed) from the customer’s record.

If you DELETE or MODIFY an existing payment type AND there are previous transactions which have used this payment type, then the payment type will be automatically added back into the payment types box. This ensures that historical sales reports will always reflect the actual payment types used.

If you want to receive On-Line payments (usually used when NeoPOS is linked to a Webstore) put a descriptive name for the payment type in the box with “Online Payment Type” above it.(e.g: “Online”, Webstore”, Ebay” etc.

If you are using Widescreen mode then only the first 5 payment Types ar show on the Main Screen.

Open Drawer
Check this box if you want the drawer to open when the associated payment Type is selected.

Use EFT Terminal
Check this box if you have an integrated EFT terminal, connected to NeoPOS, to process the selected payment type (e.g. EFTPOS or CREDIT CARD)

Surcharge % or $
Enter the % /Percentage or $ / Dollar surcharge for the particular payment type. When the transaction is finalized with this payment type, the surcharge will be calculated/added, displayed in the transaction grid, added to the total and printed on the receipt. To change from Surcharge in % terms to Surcharge in $ Terms – click on the “%” or ‘$’ Caption.

Consolidate Card Payments as EFTPOS
Substitute EFTPOS when the EFTPOS terminal is used to pay. This overrides the Card Type (VISA, Mastercard etc) information sent via the EFTPOS Terminal. If it is UnChecked the Rport will show totals of EACH individual card tyre used.


Compulsory Tender
Check this if you require a tendered amount to be entered when the operator selects CASH payment type. If this is unchecked then the CASH payment type will finalize the transaction, regardless of whether a Tender Amount is entered.

Auto Tender
When you enter a tendered amount GREATER THAN or EQUAL to the Total owing amount, the transaction is automatically completed (saves pressing the CASH key a second time)

Compulsory Full Tender on Account Cash Sales
Forces the operator to enter the full amound when cash tendering against sales made in member account mode.

Dont Allow Credits on Accounts
Dont accept Overpayments as Credit for Accounts.

Don’t Allow Split Tenders
Don’t allow the customer to use 2 methods of payment on a single transaction.

Prompt on Split Tenders
Displays a confimation prompt when the Operator initiates a Split Payment.

Register Change from Tender Amount as “Cash Out”
If a Tender Amount is registered into the Tender Box, and it is greater than the Total Amount, the Operator can press “Cash Out” to register the difference between the Total Sales Amount and the Tender Amount as a Cash Out. This is useful, if for example a person presents a Cheque (or other payment instrument), registers some items they want to purchase and want the remaining amount (Cheque Value minus the Purchased Item Total) paid out as Cash.

Optimized Cash Keys
Shows the reduced size Monetary Cash Keys, allowing more room for functions..


Select appropriate currency system for your country.

Australian Currency Images
Shows Images of Australian Currency, coins and notes, instead of numbered buttons, in the “Tender” entry panel.

Round to 5 Cents
Check this is you require “Nearest 5c” rounding (applicable in some locales). This is enabled by default. This will round off the ‘Total’ box when CASH is selected as a payment method.

No Rounding
Check this is you do not want any rounding to occur.

Show Currency Symbol in The Transaction Grid
Show the Currency Symbol in the Transaction Grid next to the Price.


Tax Exempt for Transactions less than
Transaction totals and items will be tax exempt if the total of the transaction is less than the nominated value. Once the total of the transaction exceeds the value then the tax is added for all items.

Display Non-Tax Prices
Check this to display the items in the main transaction grid and on the receipt without the tax component included (US style). In this case the Item price in the Stock Item Database should be entered without the tax component. If you leave this unchecked the items displayed in the transaction grid and on the receipt will be displayed including the tax component. In this case the Item price in the Stock Item Database should be entered including the tax component.

Default Tax Rate %
This is the default amount of tax that will be added to items such as “Extra items” when they are selected from the transaction screen. The tax rate for normal stock items is set individually in the Stock Database grid.

Tax Descriptor
This is the description of the tax type printed on the customer receipt. For Australia it is GST (default) but you can put anything in this that is required by your country (e.g. TAX, VAT etc).


Show Discounts as Separate Item
Check this to show all discounts as a separate item on the transaction screen and the customer receipt. Otherwise the discount is just subtracted fro the individual item price.

Default Discount %-
Enter the default value for the %- key (discount) in percent. Any value typed into the numeric box (during a transaction) will override this default value. This presets the %- key (discount) key to the set value.

Default Premium %+
Enter the default value for the %+key (premium) in percent. Any value typed into the numeric box (during a transaction) will override this default value. This presets the %+ key (premium) key to the set value.

Settings / Display

Display Mode

Select from the following:

4:3 Standard
Standard Aspect Ratio Monitor with Large Payment Buttons and Numeric Monetary Display

4:3 Large Hotkeys
Standard Aspect Ration Monitor with Larger Hotkeys and Smaller Payment Buttons and Numeric Monetary Display.

16:9 Widescreen
Widescreen Monitor mode.

16:10 Tablet
Tablet or Widescreen Monitor mode

3:2 Tablet
Tablet or Widescreen Monitor mode

4:3 Self-Service
Used for Self-Service Applications

The the following elements are displayed (for use by customer):

      • Large 4:3 format Hotkeys Panel.

      • 4 x Hotkey Set Buttons with up to 12 Pages Each.

      • NO Hotkey Utility Buttons or Main. (panel/program cannot be exited)

      • Remove Item Button (same as the Error button in standard NeoPOS). Removes the last scanned or selected item in the transaction grid.

      • Clear All Items Button (same as the Clear button in standard NeoPOS). Clears the whole transaction.

      • Pay Using EFTPOS – Uses Payment Button 2 to complete the transaction. i.e. In Settings>Monetary>Payment Type Captions>Top Right Button.Set the Caption to EFT or EFTPOS and Check “Use EFT Terminal”

      • Sub Total, Tax and Total boxes only.

Customer selects or scan the item(s) they require.

Customer presses the “Pay Using EFTPOS” button.

Customer Scans or Touches card.

If the payment is successful a confirmation message appears with “Order Number” and prompt text.

The customer then proceeds to the Order waiting or Pickup area.

If the payment is NOT successfull an “EFTPOS Declined” messages appears.

At this point the customer can just walk away and abandon the transaction OR click on the message to retry payment.

16:9 Self-Service – Widescreen

The the following elements are displayed (for use by customer)

      • Large 16:9 format Hotkeys Panel.

      • 4 x Hotkey Set Buttons with up to 12 Pages Each.

      • NO Hotkey Utility Buttons or Main. (panel/program cannot be exited)

      • Remove Item Button (same as the Error button in standard NeoPOS). Removes the last scanned or selected item in the transaction grid.

      • Clear All Items Button (same as the Clear button in standard NeoPOS). Clears the whole transaction.

      • Pay Using EFTPOS – Uses Payment Button 2 to complete the transaction. i.e. In Settings>Monetary>Payment Type Captions>Top Right Button.Set the Caption to EFT or EFTPOS and Check “Use EFT Terminal”.

      • Sub Total, Tax and Total boxes only.

Customer selects or scan the item(s) they require.

Customer presses the “Pay Using EFTPOS” button.

Customer Scans or Touches card.

If the payment is successful a confirmation message appears with “Order Number” and prompt text.

The customer then proceeds to the Order waiting or Pickup area.

If the payment is NOT successfull an “EFTPOS Declined” messages appears.

At this point the customer can just walk away and abandon the transaction OR click on the message to retry payment.

16:9 Kiosk
Used for Portrait Mode Customer, Unattended Self-Service Kiosks. Optimised for 16:9 (1920 x 1080) mode.

The following elements are displayed (for use by customer)

      • Hotkeys Panel.

      • 4 x Hotkey Set Buttons with up to 12 Pages Each.

      • NO Hotkey Utility Buttons or Main. (panel/program cannot be exited)

      • Remove Item Button (same as the Error button in standard NeoPOS). Removes the last scanned or selected item in the transaction grid.

      • Clear All Items Button (same as the Clear button in standard NeoPOS). Clears the whole transaction.

      • Pay Using EFTPOS – Uses Payment Button 2 to complete the transaction. i.e. In Settings>Monetary>Payment Type Captions>Top Right Button.Set the Caption to EFT or EFTPOS and Check “Use EFT Terminal”

      • Sub Total, Tax and Total boxes only.

Customer selects or scan the item(s) they require.

Customer presses the “Pay Using EFTPOS” button.

Customer Scans or Touches card.

If the payment is successful a confirmation message appears with “Order Number” and prompt text.

The customer then proceeds to the Order waiting or Pickup area.

If the payment is NOT successfull an “EFTPOS Declined” messages appears.

At this point the customer can just walk away and abandon the transaction OR click on the message to retry payment.

Please check Food Service>Options for further settings.


Screen Scale Adjustment
If the NeoPOS program window is larger than the available display area on you screen (i.e. Scroll bars appear or you cannot see all of the program elements) then you can reduce the size of the NeoPOS window by reducing this value (e.g .to 0.95) until the window fits. Also you can increase this size to increase the NeoPOS display window.

Hide Unused Account and Order Names
Check this if you want to stop displaying the Inactive/Unused names in the Order and Accounts screen. By default these are normally displayed on greyed out buttons so that you can re select the Order or Account name without having to retype/re-enter the name.

Confirm Clear Transaction
If this is checked the a confirmation message will appear when the user presses the Clear button on the main transaction screen. Prevents the user from accidentally clearing the current transaction.

Clear Screen after Transaction
If this is checked then the transaction grid and details will be cleared when the transaction is finalized. Ensures that the operator always finishes off the transaction before starting another one. Delay(s) – This is the time delay between when the transaction is finished and when the screen clears.

Confirm Program Exit
If this is checked then a confirmation message will appear when the user closes the program. Prevents the user from accidentally closing the program.

Show Caption Bar Icons
Check this to show the caption bar icons (Minimize, Maximize and Close) on the main screen.

Show Minimum Information in Stock Receival
Show reduced information in the Stock Receival Screen.

Automatically Show Keyboard in Orders Screen
Always shows the onscreen keyboard whenever the orders screen is opened.

Default Keyboard to Upper Case
Displays the onscreen keyboard with uppercase characters.

Display Laybys in Given – Surname Order
Displays the Layby Hotkeys in Given name, Surname Order (instead of layby Number Order)

Focus on Barcode for New Items
Selects the barcode box first when entering a new item

Show Product Image
Shows the Product Image, in the Numeric Keyboard position, when a product is registered.

Transaction Grid Font Size
Enter the size of the font for the display in the main transaction grid. The smaller it is the larger the number of transaction items can be shown at the same time.

Stock Search Box Font Size
Enter the size of the font for the display in the Stock Maintenance or Search grid.

Premium %+ Alt text
Enter alternative text for PREMIUM %+. This defaults to PREMIUM but could be changed to “After Hours Charge” for example.

Image File Location
Click on this box to select the location for stored product images and camera images. It defaults to the install directory (usually c:\Program Files\NeoPOS ). Your custom created or downloaded product image files must be stored in this directory. These images should be in JPG format (most BMP format files will also work but not every BMP format is campatible)

Customer Display Footer
Text that you want to appear on the bottom of the Customer Display panel.

Dealer ID
Dealers Only – Enter the dealer ID supplied by NeoPOS

Hotkey Display

Display Hotkeys on Separate page
This shows a full screen Hotkey screen on a separate page when the “Hotkey” button is pressed. This hotkey screen disappears and the program returns to the main screen after one of the hotkey items is selected. Usually this is the best option when a minority of items are non-barcoded.

Display Hotkeys in Side Bar
This shows a small version of the Hotkey screen on the Main Display screen when the “Hotkey” button is pressed. This hotkey screen remains on the main screen after one of the hotkey items is selected, allowing the operator to select multiple hotkey items without continually opening the Hotkey screen via the “Hotkey” utility button. This is particularly useful if you are selling mainly Non-barcoded items (e.g. Restaurant Meals, Drinks, Take Away Food etc.)

Display Hotkeys on Startup
If this is checked the hotkeys will be displayed automatically when the program starts.

Hotkeys Font Size
Enter the size of the font for the Hotkey text captions. This is useful if the Item names are very long or longer than can normally displayed on the hot keys.

Hotkeys Font Name
Select the Font Name for captions on Hotkeys.

Style and Color

Select from a range of pre-set Windows color themes / schemes.

Monochrome Theme
All screen elements shown in Monochrome.

Dark Mode
For Nighttime or low ambient light viewing situations. Black with subued colors and white text.

Custom Colors apply when “Windows” is selected as then Style name. Click on the relevant button to select the color of various screen elements.

Background Color
The color of main screen backgrounds.

Transaction Grid Color
The color of the transaction grid on the main screen.

Display Box Color
The color of all text entry box es and onscreen entry grids.

Panel Color
The color of small screens and panel backgrounds.

Secondary Panel Color
The separate color for panels that are displayed on top of other panels.

Edit Box Color
The color of Text Entry, Drop-Down, Memo boxes etc.

Default Button Color
The color of any non-colored bttons (e.g. Numeric Kepad Buttons).


EFTPOS Terminal

Select the provider of your EFTPOS service and terminal(s).

EFT Confirm Screen Time (ms)
Applies to TYRO EFT Only. Enter the amount of time that the EFT screen will remain visible in milliseconds (1 second = 1000 ms). Used if the EFTPOS screen disappears too quickly

Delay After Transaction (ms)
Applies to Linkly EFT Only. The amount of time to allow the EFT process to finish before returning to NeoPOS.

Prompt for Customer Receipt
If you want the system top prompt for a Customer EFT Receipt (Yes or No).

Always Print Customer EFT Receipt
Always print Customer EFT Receipt.

Use EFT Response
Use the EFTPOS Response to the prompt “Print Customer Receipt?”

Print Merchant Receipt
Uncheck this if you do not want to print the Merchant Receipt when an Eftpos transaction takes place.

Cut Receipt
Cuts between EFT Receopt and Customer Receipt.

Line Feeds
Amount of blank lines to feed at the bottom of the Merchant and Customer EFT Receipts

Customer Display Panel

This is used to enable and setup a secondary LCD display panel used as a customer display or advertising display. To use this feature you require a secondary display panel (customer display) connected to your system.

You normally use use ‘Extended Desktop’ mode for a second display, set in Windows Display Properties. Alternatively you can use DualView if it is available.

You may want to experiment with the various modes available.

Please refer to your Video Card settings or control panel to determine if a suitable mode is available. Once you have the secondary monitor setup correctly proceed as follows.

This enables the customer display and rolling advertisement mode.

Use as Order Display
Check this if you want the secondary display to show Orders that have been prepared (and ready) and are waiting for the customer to collect. The customer can be asked this watch this screen for their order / receipt number to appear.

If necessary change the following settings so that the image on the secondary screen displays correctly.

Screen Aspect Ratio
Select the Aspect Ratio for the Customer Screen. 4:3 Standard, 16:9 Widescreen or 16:10 Widescreen.Left Position – This is normally set to a value just greater than the horizontal screen resolution of the main monitor you are using. For example if the resolution of the main monitor is 1024X768 then the value should be set to approx 1025. If the image is too far to the Left of the secondary display then increase this value, alternatively if the image is too far to the Right on the secondary display (i.e. there is a blank space on the left of the display) then decrease the value.

Left Position
This is normally set to the width of the main screen. e.g If the main screen is 800×600 then set this to 800.

Top Position
This is normally set to 0 (top of the screen) but if the image is too high on the secondary display then increase this value to move the image down.

This is to set the overall size of the image on the secondary display. If the image is too large (i.e. you cannot see all of the picture or image) then you can reduce this value (say to 0.8) until the screen image fits the display correctly. Conversely if the image is too small for the screen then increase the value.
Restart the program and see if the display is operating correctly with the default settings.

Pole Display

Enter the message you would like displayed on the top line (line 1) of the pole display. The second line of the display will show Item Details and Price as the items are scanned and display the Total Price when the transaction is completed.

Com Port
Select the Com port (serial port number) that the pole/customer display is plugged in to on the back of your PC.

Baud Rate
Select the baud rate (serial communication speed) of the Pole Display you are using from the drop down list.

Emulation Mode
Select the type (emulation) of pole display you are using. Epson, Noritake, VT100, Aedex (ADM) or Palin text. This is often done using switches (refer to the Pole Display manual). In any case you must determine which emulation mode the pole display is configured to. If it is not one of the 5 supported types then contact NeoPOS and we may be able include the emulation mode in the software. This can usually be set on the pole display iteself (refer to the documentation that came with the display)

Serial Scanner / Card Reader

Select the Serial/Com Port number that the serial type scanner, card reader or auxiliary input device is connected to. (the baud rate is permanently set to 9600 Baud)

The Scanner can operate in 2 modes.

Standard Barcode scanning mode scans barcodes in keyboard emulation mode so that the scanner works as a standard scanner for registering items in transactions. In this case leave the ‘Stocktake Mode’ box UNCHECKED.

Stocktake mode allows you to use the serial barcode reader as a stocktake device, that is you can scan item barcode and the quantity that you have in stock and the stock database will be updated with the selected quantity entered. In this case CHECK the ‘Stocktake Mode’ box.

The data is stored in a file as follows:

The data from the scanner must be received following form.( Note: Carriage Return is ASCII 13, Line Feed is ASCII 10).
Quantity (can be any length) [Carriage Return+Line Feed] Barcode (can be any length) [Carriage Return+Line Feed]
e.g. 351CRLF9301932212121CRLF END OF FILE

In this example the Item 9301932212121 will be updated to show 351 in stock.

Scanner Input Character Test

Use this to test what characters are coming out of the scanner when a barcode is scanned. Scan a barcode and see what characters are shown in the box. If it is set correctly the box should show the Barcode Number followed by a [13] (carriage return). e.g. 9310123456789[13].

If this is NOT the case you need to refer to the documentation on the scanner and set the scanner so that it gives the correct output. This is usually referred to as Suffix – Carriage Return or Character 13.


Scale Make / Model
Select the type make and Model of electronic scale you are using from the drop down list.
Note: CAS Scales – Set Mode to 2. 9600 Baud

Scale Baud Rate
Select the baud rate (serial communication speed) of electronic scale you are using from the drop down list.

Scale Com Port
Select the Com port (serial port number) that the electronic scale output is plugged in to on the back of your PC.

Check Scale Stability
If you check this box, when a weighed item is selected, the program will wait for a stable weight to be displayed on the scale before continuing. (may cause a short delay processing the transaction).
NOTE: If you are using weighed items BUT the scale is not connected to the POS system then turn this option off.

Stability Verification Repeats
The amount of identical weights received by the scale until it is verified as the correct stable weight. If you are getting mis-reads of the scale (e.g. when the operator places items on the scale incorrectly or incompletely) you can increase this value. Note that the higher this value, the longer the scale will take to get a verified reading.

Decimal Point Pos
Some scales do not output the decimal point as standard, in this case you can select the position that the decimal point will appear in the weight. This should match the position of the decimal point on the weight display.



Selected the User Group name at the top then check or uncheck the relevant boxes/buttons that you want the group to have permissions/access for.

Press ‘Save’ when you are finished. Note: To delete a user permission group press “Delete”.


Compulsory Operator

If you require a valid operator to be entered (Log On) to activate the system. The system will always be inactive until a valid Operator ID is entered (at Log On) Timeout -The amount of time that the transaction screen stays enabled when there is no activity. Once the transaction screen is disabled the operator will be required to log in again. If this is set to 0 then the logon screen will NOT appear.

Log Off after Each Transaction

Check this to make the system Log Off the current operator after each transaction. This means the operator must enter or scan their PIN before each transaction.

Operator must clear held transactions when logging off

Forces the operator to either Clear or Complete any “Held” transactions when they Log Off. NOTE: Do NOT check this if you intend to use the ‘Floating Operator’ function (where an operator can begin a transaction on one terminal. place the transaction on hold, and complete the transaction on another terminal.)

Use Business Closing Time when Clocking Off after Closing Time

If the operator clocks off AFTER the Business Closing Time (set in Settings>General) then the recorded clock off time will be the Business Closing Time.

Use Business Opening Time when Clocking On before Opening Time

If the operator clocks in BEFORE the Business Opening Time (set in Settings>General) then the recorded clock on time will be the Business Opening Time.

Print Time Clock Receipt

Prints a short receipt with details when the operator Clocks On or Off.

Recall Hold When Logging On

Recalls any stored Hold for the Operator when they Log On.

To Add or Edit Operators

In the Operators Grid

Enter the Operator Code. The code can be a 1 to 10 digit number. This is both the PIN entered by the operator and barcode no used by the operator to log in. (in effect it is the operator password)

Enter an operator name (used for display purposes only).

Select the User Group from the “User Group'” drop down box. The selected operator will only have permission to use the keys/buttons selected in the “Security” section under that group name.

Select the Type, required if the operator is Delivery, from the “Type'” drop down box.

Enter the Hourly Wage Rate for the Operator in the “Hourly Wage Rate 1” column. This is used in the Screen to calculate Wages Due in the Employee Hours Report.

Note: Arrow Down to save the entry and create a new operator line.


Deletes the selected operator.

Barcode Printing

This prints barcodes for the selected item on either the standard computer printer or the dedicated label printer. To print a range of barcodes (for more than 1 operator) select the check boxes in the list OR press Select All.If Standard A4 Printer is selected then a full A4 sheet of adhesive labels will be printed. Check the “Print Price” check box to print the price details on the label .

Creating or Editing a Layout

See Here .



Member Code Length
The length of the barcode number on the member’s cards. Minimum of 4 numeric characters. Note: If the Member Code Data Length is the same length as any of the Stock barcodes then the system will search for the Member Code first, and if it is not found then it will search for the barcode number in the Stock Database. If you issue a new card to a member you must create a member in the Members screen using the member code.

Set Member Code Length for Existing Members
Changes the length of the Member Code in the Customers, Accounts and Payments tables.

Member Discount %
This is the % global discount that will be applied to all sales to members.

Member Card Printer
The anme of the printer to be used for printing Member Cards..

Display Member Details when Card is Scanned
Check if you want to display the details of the member when the member card is scanned from the transaction screen.

Show Membership Expiry
Displays the Membership status for members in the main screen member display box (turns red if the Membership has expired

Expiry Increment
The increment of the membership expiry when “Renew” is clicked in the members>Membership Expiry panel in the members screen.

Warn of Membership Expiry
Displays a warning if the membership is going to expire within the next 7 days.

Prompt for Receipt on Member Purchases
Whenever a sale is made to a Member a receipt user is prompted whether to print a receipt or not.

Prompt for Receipt on Layby Purchases
Whenever a sale is made to a Layby a receipt user is prompted whether to print a receipt or not.

Show Member Screen When member Box is Clicked
Displays the Members screen (for Editing or Entry) when the member display box (under the transaction grid) is clicked.

Auto Search in Member Screen
Selects the search box when you enter the Member Screen and allows you to start searching for either Member Name or Code, showing closest matches. Improves search time.

Search Auxiliary Field
Searches the member database for the Auxiliary field, when entered or scanned on the main screen. strong>Aux Field Data Length
Sets the length on the Auxiliary Field used in the member database

Show All Members in Member Search Screen
Show all of the Members when the Members Search Screen is opened.

Restrict Member Account Usage to Current Members who have a Pre-Paid Account or a Set Credit Limit
Only allows the operator to save transactions to Member Accounts that are not Expired and have a Pre-Paid or a set Credit Limit Account, and have sufficient funds remaining to pay for the current transaction.

Sort member Database By Code
Releveant only to the << and >> arrows in the members Detail Screen. If this is enabled the << and >> arrows search for the Next/Prior Member Code (rather than Surname / Given Name)

Member History Export
Allows you to configure the format of the data that is exported when you use the File (Export) function in Members|Database / Reports. This box displays all of the fields in both the Reward Points (customer purchases) and Customer databases. Select (check) each field that you require to be included in the export file. Change the order of the fields by selecting the field and Dragging / Dropping.


Allocate Points per Dollar Spent to Stock Items
Fills and overwrites the Reward Points field for each Stock Item in the selected Category, calculated from the value entered and the item price. For Example Points Per Dollar Spent=100, Price of Item= 9.95 – Puts 995 in the points field. Category – Select the Category that you want this applied to.

Allocate Cost Points per Dollar Value to Stock Items
Fills and overwrites the Points Cost field for each Stock Item in the selected Category, calculated from the value entered and the item price. For Example Cost Points Per Dollar Value=100, Price of Item= 9.95 – Puts 995 in the Cost Points field. Use to calculate the amount of points required when using the POINTS function to pay for a sale./li>

Select the Category that you want this applied to./li>

Only Allocate Points to Members with Email
Don’t add or allocate Reward Points to Members who don’t have an email address./li>

Redeem points as Transaction Credit
When points are Redeemed, using the POINTS payment type, they are treated as a Credit (-ve) value into the transaction Grid, using “Dollars Per Point” to calculate the dollar amount./li>

Dollars per Point
The dollar value per point that can be retrieved and credited to a transaction/li>

Groups and Accounts

Member Groups
Enter a list of member groups and an associated discount % that applies to each group. Typically this would be a customer loyalty program where a member may have Gold, Silver or Bronze etc status, with an associated discount. When a member is created in the Member Entry screen you can then assign the member to one of the member groups from the “Member Group” drop-down box.

Linked Price Shift
If you click in the “Linked Price Shift” column you can select a Price Shift Name for the selected Member Group (assuming you have set one or more up in Pricing) . In this case, when you select the member at the start of a transaction, the Linked Price Shift will be enabled and the item price(s) will be discounted according to the price shift. In fact this is the same as the operator manually selecting a Price Shift button. Note that then any other discount, including the Member Group discount, will NOT be applied. Once the transaction is completed then the price shift will be disabled, as if the operator had hit the Price Shift Cancel button. NOTE: If a member is assigned to a member group then the associated discount will override the global “Member Discount %” (see above)

Member Accounts
Shows a list of members with running (or finalized) accounts. This allows you to completely delete selected accounts if required. This may be because the account is faulty, errant or no longer required. Select the account(s) you want to delete by checking the box, next to the name, then pressing the “Delete Selected Accounts” button. NOTE: This will delete ALL account information associated with the customer so it should be used with care.


Current Order No

This is then next Order Number that will be issued when an order is created.

Invoice Address

The invoicing address details which are printed on the top of the Order.

Compulsory Supplier for Stock Receival

Check this box is you require that a Supplier Name is always selected when you receive stock.

Delivery Address

The delivery address details which are printed on the top of the Order.


Up to 3 lines of text which are printed on the order. This could be banking details or any special instructions that you need the supplier to be aware of. These can also be changed or edited when the order is issued.


This area allows you to setup up to 200 ‘rolling’ advertising / promo images and messages that will be displayed, in sequence, as a full screen on the secondary customer display.To Add an Image to the list click “Add Image” button then navigate to and select each the previously created image(s) that you require.

To Delete an image from the list, mark the image in the list and press ‘Delete Image’.

Cycle Period

This is the amount of time (in seconds ) that you require each image to be displayed, before it moves on to the next image.

Delay Before Display

This is the amount of time that the customer display grid remains on the screen, after the transaction is finalized, before the full screen images begin to display again. This is useful to allow the customer some to review their recently completed transaction.

Creating the Advertising Image Files

You can create images of any size for this (the selected image will be proportionally resized to fit the area available) but for the best quality results the size of the image should be approx the size of the secondary display horizontal and vertical resolutions. For example on a 800×600 resolution screen it would be created as a 800 (pixels wide) X 600 (pixel high) image.

Food Service


If an item is to be prepared in the kitchen or other area when ordered ( registered on the POS terminal) then select the Printer/Screen Name (1,2,3 or 4) in Stock Item>Kitchen

When the transaction is finalized or allocated to a Table/Order then any item in the transaction which is a ‘Kitchen Printer / Screen Item’ will be sent to the selected Kitchen Printer/Screen along with Time, Date and Receipt No/IOrder No. This allows the kitchen staff to prepare the item(s) and deliver the completed item(s) to the appropriate customer using this identification number.

Kitchen Order Printers and Screens

For each kitchen printer or screen: No 1 – 4

Select the name of the kitchen printer or the kitchen screen you are using from the drop down list.

Printer Name

Enter a descriptive name for the selected kitchen printer (e.g. Fryer, Salad Bar, Grill etc)

Line Feeds

Sets the number of blank lines printed after the text on each of the Kitchen printers.

Kitchen Order Screen

This displays orders and Item that have to be prepared before the customer receives them. The Orders appear on the screen with: Order No/Name, Date & Time Ordered, Item Name(s) and Modifiers (if any)

The Orders are color coded, according to Order Type as follows:

      • Orders (Numeric) – Navy

      • Orders (Alpha-Numeric) – Red

      • Table – Green

      • Delivery – Purple

      • Account – Olive

      • Takeaway – Brown

      • Eat Here – Orange

When the order has been prepared the operator clicks on the Order and it is removed from the screen and marked as finished.

You can Recall and View Kitchen Screen orders that have been removed by clicking on a blank area on the screen. This shows the last 9 Orders and you can recall them back onto the order screen by clicking the Order line. Click anywhere on the Recall panel to close it.

The following settings work when using a standard windows printer driver:

Font Size

Sets the font size for the text on the Kitchen docket.

Font Name

Sets the font name for the text on the Kitchen docket.


No Of Copies of each Kitchen Docket to Print.

Top Line Feed

Sets the number of blank lines printer before the text on the Kitchen docket.

Maximum Text Width

Sets the amount of characters allowed across the width of the Kitchen Docket. If there is unused extra space after the item description you can increace this value.

Group Order Items by Category

Groups the Order Items, on the Docket Printerand the Kitchen Screen, in Category Groups with Category Headings. Makes it easier for Kitchen staff to manage items.

Add Blank Line Between Items

Adds a blank line between each item on the Kitchen Dockets. (makes them easier to read)

Cut Dockets

Sends a standard Cut command to the Docket printer each time a docket is printed. Uses the Cutter Command string in the Printer Control section.

Don’t Cut Dockets on Identical Printer

Does not send a Cut Command to the Docket printer, between Dockets, if the both Kitchen Dockets are begin printed on the same printer. Still sends a Cut Command at the end of the Docket Order printing job.

Print Direct to Printers

Prints Directly to the printer. This allows for very fast printing and should be used if the standard printing is unacceptably slow. (This mode always prints in standard Font Size and Style (cannot be changed) )

Order Font Size

Sets the font size for the Order No text on the Kitchen docket.

Kitchen Screen Font Size

Changes the font size of the text on the Kitchen Order Screen.

3 Columns/4 Columns

The amount of colums displayed on the Kitche Order Screen

(Note: If you have few orders running at a time (and few modifiers) then you should use 3 columns, and a larger font size (say 30 or more). This makes the order more readable BUT you get less orders on the screen at a time If you have a lot orders running at a time (and many modifiers) then you should use 4 columns, and a smaller this font (say 12). This makes the order less readable BUT you get more orders on the screen at a time.)

Delivery Schedule Font Size

Sets the font size for the Delivery Schedule.

Delivery Docket Font Size

Sets the font size for the Delivery Docket.

Delivery Docket Horizontal Scale

Sets the Horizontal Scale for the Delivery Docket

Control Characters

Enter the various control characters for each element on the Kitchen Docket.(select Print Direct To Printers for these to work except *)

Printer NameControl characters for the Printer Name element.

Date and TimeControl characters for the Date and Time element.

ItemsControl characters for the printed items. (this is overridden if there are Control Characters set in the specific Item Details)

Receipt/Order NoControl characters for the Receipt/Order No/Table No element.

UNPAIDControl characters for the “UNPAID” text printed on the Kitchen Printers.

Clear CommandsThe commands to clear the text attributes after each line is printed. This should always be entered.

The commands to cut the docket after it is printed.Examples of ESC/POS (Epson) sequences. (please refer to the relevant ESC/POS manual for more information)

Turn Red Printing On – 27,114,49

Underline – 27,45,49

Emphasized Printing – 27,33,8

Double Height Printing – 27,33,16

Double Width Printing – 27,33,33

Clear Commands – 27,64

Cutter – 27,105

Note: Cutter Commands work whether or not Print Direct to is selected.Control characters should b e entered as decimal values separated by commas. Note:Commands can be combined by adding to together the last 3 digits. For example to print Double Width and Double Height the command would be 27,33,49 (33+16)


Printer Name27,114,49 – Turns Red On – The Printer Name appears in red.

Date And Time27,33,24 – Turns Emphasized and Double Height Printing On – Date and Time Prints Dark Black and Double Height

Items27,33,8 – Turns Emphasized Printing On – Items print in Dark Black and Normal Size.

Receipt/Order No27,33,16,27,45,49 – Turns Double Height Printing AND Underline On – Receipt No prints in Double Size Black Underlined..

UNPAID27,114,49 – Turns Red On – The UNPAID text prints in Red.

Clear Commands27,64 – Clears the text attributes after each line is printed.

Cutter27,105 – Cuts the Docket after it is printed.

Examples of Citizen / Javelin sequences. (please refer to the relevant manual for more information)

      • Red – 19

      • Enlarged Characters – 14

      • Normal Characters – 15

      • Inverse Print – 18

      • Underline – 27,45,1

      • Clear Command – 24

      • Full Cut – 27,80,0

      • Partial Cut – 27,80,1

Purge Orders and Tables

This removes all items from the Table / Order database where they are marked as “Paid” (i.e. completed).

Purge Kitchen Orders

This removes all pending or completed Kitchen Orders.

Table Layout

Allows you to design the graphical layout of you tables for easy table selection, as follows. (recommended to use a mouse for accurate positioning in this design mode)

Add a new table press the “Add Table” button.

Move a table, click in the upper-left corner of the table, hold down the mouse and drag the table to the required position.

Resize a table, click on the black “Grip” box at the bottom right corner of the table, hold down the mouse and rezsize the table.

Change the Shape of the table to “Round”, right click on the upper-left corner of the table and select “Round Shape”

Assign a Table Number to the table: Right click on the upper-left corner of the table and select “Assign Table No” then enter the Table Number or a Short Table Name in the box.

Copy an Existing table (make a clone of it), right click on the upper-left corner of the table and select “Copy Table”. This is used if you have already made a table of the correct size and you want to make an exact copy.

Delete a Table, right click on the upper-left corner of the table and select “Delete Table”.

Note: You can also create other objects such as seats, walls, dividers, doors, benches, kitchen/service areas etc by adding a new table and re-sizing it but not Assigning a Table No to it.

You can also enter some text as the Table Number (as a description such as “Service Area” or “Kitchen” etc). If text is used instead of a Table Number then this object will not be treated as a table.


Auto Order Number
Automatically generates a unique Order Number (very fast one, click orders)

Prompt for Order ID on Orders
Prompts the operator to overide the automatically generated Order Number If nothing is entered it uses the automatically generated Order Number.

Show Order Button Screen
Always shows the Order Button Screen, with Current Running Orders, Unused Previous Order Names. The Operator can enter a new Name in the Order ID box.

Show Table Layout Instead of Buttons
Check this to display a graphical layout of Tables when a Table order is entered or selected.

Show Last xxxx Digits on Orders
Restrrict the number of Digits Shown on the Order Screen, Dockets and Receipts. Makes it easier for Customers to remember their Order No. For example if you have only up to 100 orders a day then you might set this to 2, so thet the order numbers will be in the range 01 to 99.

Order Button Caption
The Name that shows on the Order Button. If all your Orders a Takeaway you might want to chang it to that..

Prompt for Order ID on Table Orders
Prompts the operator to overide the Table Number for Table Orders. If nothing is entered it displays the Table No selecyion screen.

Prompt for Order ID on Delivery Orders
Prompts the operator to overide the automatically generated Delivery Order Number. Maybe a customer address. If nothing is entered it uses the automatically generated Order Number

Prompt for Order ID on Immediate Payment Orders
Prompts the operator to overide the automatically generated Delivery Order Number when an Order is paid for immediately. Maybe a customer name. If nothing is entered it uses the automatically generated Order Number

Prompt for Customer Name Before Processing Order Payment
Prompts the User to enter their Name before processing the Payment, if the Order has Kitcchen Print items in it. Usually used in Self-Service mode where you want the customer name appear on the Kitchen order. If they press OK, without entering anything it will default to the Auto Order Number.

Prompt for Order Type on Immediate Payment Orders
Prompts the operator to select the Order Type when an Order is paid for immediately (e.g: Eat Here, Takeaway). Simply prints this on the Docket and Receipt to inform of extra information about the order.

Always Finalize Orders Immediately
Shows the payment screen immediately (with no prompt) so the operator can finalize and pay for an Order or Table when the Order or Table is selected.

Auto-Complete Order Name
Auto complete/suggests the order name from the first letters typed in.

Use Member Details on Order Buttons
If a member no is entered or selected, and the sale is assigned to an Order then the selected Member Code and Surname are automatically displayed in the Order ID box in the Order screen. This saves the operator from having to retype the Member Name or Number when it is assigned to an Order. This is typically used where phone orders are taken, assigned to an order then later selected for delivery.

A typical scenario would be as follows:

      1. Customer rings with phone order.

      2. Operator enters Customer No on main screen and presses enter. The Customer No is usually the 10 digit phone number of the customer (set the Member Code Data Length to 10 in Settings>Members)or a Customer Name.

        • If the customer is already on file the Customer details are displayed with Code (phone number), Name and Delivery address.

        • If the customer is NOT on file, a new Customer detail screen is displayed. The operator enters the Name or Phone and Delivery address in the appropriate fields.

      3. Operator presses ‘Select’ and the Customer detail is displayed on the main transaction screen.

      4. Operator selects and registers the items ordered.

      5. Operator selects Order button. The Customer Code and Surname is displayed in the ID box. Operator Presses OK.

Notify when Screen Order is prepared
Pop up a message when the kitchen screen order is marked as complete.

Display Delivery and Pickup Wait Times
Displays the current Deliver and Pickup delay times on the main screen (under the transaction grid). Clicking on this box allows you to set the Pickup and Delivery Wait times. This is usually used to send the value to your on-line ordering system to indicate to customers how long they will have to wait for either pickup or delivery.

Set Order No to 1 at Start of Day
Rounds the Next Order number upwards so it starts with 1 at the start of every day.

Prompt to Pay for Order/Table Immediately
Shows a prompt allowing the operator to immediately finalize and pay for an Order or Table when the Order or Table is selected.

Prompt for Partial Payments for Tables and Orders
Displays a prompt when partial payments are made on Tables and Orders.

Prompt to Delay Kitchen Order
Prompts the operator whether they want to delay printing of the Kitchen Order (docket). This is useful if the kitchen facilities are unavailable to process the whole order immediately and require the whole order to be printed to the kitchen only when the facilities are ready. The order is then stored and recalled using the “Orders” or “Table” button.

Delay (Sec): This is the amount of time that elapses before a prompt appears asking the operator if they want to print the delayed orders (this ensures that the operator does not forget that there are pending, delayed kitchen orders. Prompts the operator to enter a Number (maybe a Table or Order Number) to be printed on the kitchen dockets. This is useful when you assign number to the customer when he places and pays for the order in one step. It eliminates the need to assign an Order or Table No using the “Order” button.

Prompt for Delivery Docket on Order Recall
Displays a prompt for printing of a Delivery Docket when a Order is recalled. Used in conjunction with the option described above.

Prompt for Receipt on all Orders
Displays a prompt for printing of a Receipt when a Order is created.

Prompt for Customer Name on Kitchen Docket
Prompts the operator to enter a Customer Name or ID which will be printed on the kitchen docket(s)

Show Payment Status on Dockets
Prints payment Status (PAID or UNPAID) and Payment Type on Dockets

Print Kitchen Items Individually
Prints and individual/separate docket for each Kitchen Printer Item.

Print Kitchen Name on Docket
Prints ateh Printer Name on the Kitchen Docket.

Show Kitchen Printer List on Docket
Shows a list of all active Kitchen Printers at the bottom of each docket.

Print All Customer Details on Docket
Prints Customer Name, Address and Phone Number on the top of the Kitchen Dockets.

Print Receipt / Order No Only
Prints a receipt only with Store Name, Logo and Receipt / Order No.

Print 2 Copies of Receipt for Orders
Always print 2 copies of the receipt when an order is created.

Show Payment Status on Dockets
Shows either PAID or UNPAID

Prompt for No of Diners
Show a prompt to enter the No of People dining when Table Order is created. Print on the Kitchen Docket to inform kitchen staff.

Print Only Name and Customer Code on Receipt
Prints only the Customer name and Customer Code on the Receipt.

Self Service Order Accepted Prompt
Enter the message that you want to appear at the top of the Successul Order message screen. Defaults to “Order Accepted”

Self Service Order Pickup Prompt
Enter the message that you want to appear under the Order No in the Successul Order message screen. Defaults to “Please Wait in Order Delivery Area”

Self Service Prompt Timeout
The amount of time that the Self-Service Payment Response Message stays on the screen until it automatically disappears..

For a SUCCESSFUL payment prompt you would want this Message to stay long enough for the Customer to read and remember their Order No.

The Message will remain on the screen for the the given amount of time that you enter here, unless the Message is clicked to close it.

If it is set for TOO long and you have Customers queueing to use the terminal, it may confuse the following customer, who would either have to wait until the messages disappears (after the timeout) OR click the message to close it (if he knows how to use it). In any case when the Message closes or is clicked to close it clears the existing transaction and starts a new one.

For an UNSUCCESSFUL payment prompt (EFTPOS Declined) you would want this message to stay long enough for the Customer to decide to either abandon the transaction OR to try to make the EFTPOS payment again by clicking the message, in which case the transactionswill remain on the screen, . If the customer fails to respond (click) in the given time then the transaction will be cleared and if the customer decides he wants to continue the transaction he will have to start again. If you have Customers queueing to use the terminal, then they either have to wait until the message disappears OR click the message and press “Clear All Items” to start a new transaction.


Select which Delivery Services you will be using from the checklist.

Record Customer Delivery Details
Prompt to record the Customer Details when you process a Delivery Service order.


When the order is ready to be delivered

Operator selects Order button then selects the Order from the displayed buttons.

Operator is prompted to print a Delivery Docket. If selected, a delivery docket is printed with the Order Details and Delivery Address.

When the Driver / Deliverer returns from Delivery

Operator selects Order button then selects the Delivery Order from the displayed buttons.

Operator is prompted to print a Delivery Docket and Selects ‘No’.

Operator finalizes the transaction with payment etc.

Modifier List

Allows you to setup various “Modifier Lists” or “Condiment Chains” which can be linked to any stock item and printed to the Kitchen Printer(s). The lists and items under each list are then chosen by the operator when the item is selected.

Either enter a NEW List Name (e.g. Cooking Time) into the Modifier List Name box OR select an EXISTING List Name from the drop down list. Enter the Options for the List in the lower grid (e.g. Rare, Med-Rare, Medium, Well Done etc.). If there a price or charge for the extra item enter it in the “Price Column”

Press “Add Item” to add a New Item to the bottom of the List.

Press “Insert Item” to add a New Item directly above the selected item in the list.

Press “Delete Item” to delete the selected item in the list.

Note: The Modifiers are grouped vertically 5 at a time on the operator selection screen.

If practical you may want to group items into 3, 4 or 5 options so they can be displayed logically in separate columns in the selection screen.

For Example:. No Sugar, 1 Sugar, 2 Sugars, 3 Sugars (4 items). or Cooking Rare, Medium Rare, Medium, Well Done (4 Items)

Insert 1 or 2 blank lines/Items, as the fourth and/or fifth items in the group, (which will show a blank space where the 4th or 5th button would be) and then each type would be diplayed in its own column.


Click on the Color Column to select a Color for the Modifier Button.

Sold Out

Click on this column to mark the Item as Sold Out (with a Y) or click on the Y to remove it and indicate that the item is available again. If the item is “Sold Out” it will be indicated in the Modifier Selection screen.

Press “Save List” to save the Modifier List.

To delete a Modifier List – Press “Delete List”


The compusory minimum no of selections, to be made, from each page, for the selected list. Leave this blank if there is no compulsory minimum for the selected list.


The maximum no of selections, that can be made, from each page, for the selected list. Leave this blank if there is no maximum for the selected list.

Modifier + Prefix

The prefix that will be added to the selected modifier when the + key is pressed. (defaults to Add)

Modifier – Prefix

The prefix that will be added to the selected modifier when the – key is pressed. (defaults to No)


You have a Stock Item called “Steak” with possible sauces – Mushroom, Garlic, Pepper and possible cooking times – Rare, Medium Rare, Medium, Well Done.

In Settings>Modifier Lists create 2 Modifier Lists:

Sauces: with the following items: Mushroom, Garlic, Pepper.

Cooking Time: Rare, Medium Rare, Medium, Well Done.

In Stock>Stock Item Details: Create or Select the stock item (e.g. Steak).

In Stock>Stock Item Details: Select the “Food Service” button and place a check mark next to: Sauces and Cooking Time.


Disable Multiple Item Discount MID

Disables the MID price (Multiple Item Discount) feature.

Disable Special Prices

Disables the Special Price feature.

Enable Promotional Discounts

This allows you to issue numbers or barcodes to your customers as a special discount promotion. When the barcode is scanned or a number entered at the end of a customer transaction, then the transaction is automatically discounted by the percentage amount that you have entered in Default Discount Percentage (Settings>General|Monetary)

Price Shift Overrides Multiple Item Discount (MID)

Overrides item Multiple Item Discount price whenever a Price Shift is selected.

Disable Price Shift after Each Transaction

If a Price Shift is selected it is cancelled at the end of each transaction. Useful if the the Price Shift is used to select a temporary, single transaction only price.

Enable Price Shift for New Items

Enables the Price Shifts for any new item created.

Prevent Sales Below Cost Price

Prevents sales of items whose Sell price is below the recorded Cost Price.

Compulsory Item Costing

All items must have a value in the Item Cost box. If there is no cost the system will error and not allow the operator to register the item.

Price Shift Names

These are the descriptive names and details for the price shifts.

When you select a Price Shift using the “Price Shift” key on main screen, the prices for all Stock Items which have “Enable Price Shifts” checked in Stock Detail>Pricing, will be increased or decreased by the given percentage in in the % – or + Box OR calculated directly from the Price $ box in the Stock Details>Pricing Screen.

For example you may have: “Happy Hour” when you charge 10% less for all (or specific items). In this case you would put “Happy Hour” in the left box and “-10” in the % – or + Box OR “Late Hours” when you charge 20% more for all (or specific items). In this case you would put “Late Hours” in the left box and “20” in the % – or + Box.

Start Time and End Time (optional)

Enter the Start Time for the Price Shift (in the format hh:mm:ss)

Enter the End Time for the Price Shift (in the format hh:mm:ss)

Days (optional)

      • Select the Days of the Week that the Price Shift will be active for.

      • If you uncheck all of the days then the Price Shift will not be used on any days of the week (in other words disabled).

      • If you check all of the days then the Price Shift will be used on all days of the week (in the selected Time range).

      • Click on the empty Start or End Time to enter 00:00:00 and 23:59:59 respectively (in other words all day)

      • The Price Shift will be active for the selected days between the entered times.

If a specific Automatic Time and Day Based is selected in Stock Item Detail>Pricing and Enable Price Shifts is checked then: If the Transaction Time and Date is within the Time and Date range entered AND a Price Shift IS NOT manually selected using the “Price Shift” function key, then the Price Shift Name will be used.

If you Select None in Stock Item Detail>Pricing OR if a Price Shift IS manually selected using the “Price Shift” function key, the Price will be calculated using the % – or +Box OR using the Price $ Box in the Stock Details>Pricing Screen. (The Time and Date range is ignored)

Apply Default

This will set the selected Time and Day Price Shift for the Stock Items when you press “Apply to Selected Category” or “Apply to All Items”.

Apply to Selected Category

Sets the “Apply Default” Price Shift scheme to all items in the selected category specified in the category drop down list. This will set the Price Shift for each item to ‘Enabled’.

Apply to All Items

Sets the “Apply Default” Price Shift scheme to ALL items. This will set the Price Shift for each item to ‘Enabled’.

Scan Retail Variable Weight and Price Items

Check the format of the Barcodes you are using in your shop These are usually “in-house” printed barcodes or from weigh-label machines applied to weigh and price labelled items.

      • These barcodes are 12 or 13 digits long, start with either 02, 06, 20, 21, 24, 28 or 29 and have the price embedded in them.

      • The item is identified by digits 3 to 6 in the barcode (4 digits). or Digits 3 to 7 (5 Digits) To identify the product, first create a stock item (description etc) with 4 or 5 digits only entered into the barcode field in the stock item details.

        • In these cases (except for the Embedded Weight Type) the price field of the item is irrelevant as the actual price is embedded in the barcode and is extracted when the barcode is scanned.

      • 4 Code, 5 Price Mode

        Select this when the barcode is encoded with 4 digits for the product code (digits 3 to 6) and 5 digits for the price (digits 8 to 12).

      • 5 Code, 4 Price Mode

        Select this when the barcode is encoded with 5 digits for the product code (digits 3 to 7) and 4 digits for the price (digits 9 to 12).

      • 4 Code, 4 Price Mode

        Select this when the barcode is encoded with 4 digits for the product code (digits 3 to 6) and 4 digits for the Price (digits 8 to 11).

      • 5 Code, 5 Price Mode

        Select this when the barcode is encoded with 5 digits for the product code (digits 3 to 7) and 4 digits for the Price (digits 8 to 11).

      • 5 Code, 5 Weight Mode (Embedded Weight)

        Select this when the barcode is encoded with 5 digits for the product code (digits 3 to 7) and 5 digits for the Weight (digits 8 to 12).

        In this case the price is then calculated from the embedded weight multiplied the item price (per Kg)

Embedded Weight Type

In this case you should enter the 4 digit product identified in the Barcode field of the Stock Item (compatible with US Hobart Scales mode)

Auto Generate Barcode

Adds a unique 13 digit EAN type barcode to each item in your stock database that doesn’t already have one.

Staff Commissions

Allows you to issue your staff with sales commissions with percentages based on on individual (or All) categories and discounts (if any) granted by the sales person. Enable Commissions – Enables the commission feature. Staff Commissions Panel The first column allows you to select the individual categories that you want to set specific commissions for. This is when you want different commission rates for specific categories. If you just have one commission rate for all of your products then do not select any categories in the list, just use the first row (ALL). The second column ‘Maximum Discount 1’ allows you to enter the Maximum Discount % that is allowed for the staff to receive the Commission % entered in the ‘Commission % 1’ column. If you DO NOT allow discounts then just put 0 in the ‘Maximum Discount 1’ column and the commission % in the ‘Commission % 1’ column. If you DO allow discounts then you can set the maximum discount allowed in the ‘Maximum Discount 1′ column and the commission received in the”Commission % 1’ column. You can also (optionally) enter other maximum discounts allowed, and the corresponding commission % received in the ‘Maximum Discount 2′,’Commission % 2’ , ‘Maximum Discount 3’ and ‘Commission % 3’ columns. For Example: Issue a commission of 10% on any sale that the staff member makes where there is no discount applied. I>ssue a commission of 7.5% on any sale that the staff member makes where there is a discount applied of up to 10% Issue a commission of 5% on any sale that the staff member makes where there is a discount applied of up to 20% No commission issued for any sale where there is more than 20% discount. The table will look like this: CATEGORY Maximum Discount 1 Commission % 1 Maximum Discount 2 Commission % 2 Maximum Discount 3 Commission % 3 ALL 0 10 10 7.5 20 5 Also you can select any category where you want to apply specific commission(s) to. For Example: Issue a commission of 12.5% on the sale of any item in the “Hardware” category, that the staff member makes where there is no discount applied. Issue a commission of 9% on the sale of any item in the “Hardware” category that the staff member makes where there is a discount applied of up to 8% ssue a commission of 6% on the sale of any item in the “Hardware” category that the staff member makes where there is a discount applied of up to 15%. No commission issued on the sale of any item in the “Hardware” category where there is more than 15% discount. The table will look like this: CATEGORY Maximum Discount 1 Commission % 1 Maximum Discount 2 Commission % 2 Maximum Discount 3 Commission % 3 ALL 0 10 10 7.5 20 5 Hardware 0 12.5 8 9 15 6 When an item is sold the commissions table is checked. If the item fits into one of the specific categories then that Discount/Commission rate is used. If the item is NOT in one of the specific categories then the ALL (default) Discount/Commission rate is used. Bookings and Hiring Minimum Booking Time – This is the minimum length of time, in minutes, that you reserve for a booking. The booking grid dates will be divided up into blocks by this time period. Advance Bookings (Days) – The amount of days in advance that you will accept bookings for. Maximum Simultaneous Bookings – This is the amount of bookings you can accept at the one time. For example a hairdresser working on his own can only take 1 booking at a particular time whereas a restaurant may have 20 tables thus be able to take 20 reservations at the same time. Minimum Hire Period – This is the minimum length of time, Days and Hours that your hire items are hired out for. When you select a Hire Item the item can be hired for any amount of time based on this minimum period.